FIN 614: Financial Management Larry Schrenk, Instructor
1.What is Behavioral Finance? 2.Behavioral vs. Traditional Finance 3.Prospect Theory 4.Biases and Heuristics
Finance and Psychology Cognitive Errors in Financial Decision- Making Questions EMH Connections to Evolutionary Psychology and Neuroscience
Traditional Rational Expected Utility EMH Behavioral Bounded Rationality Prospect Theory Market Imperfections
Preference for Certainty Loss Aversion ‘Relative’ Evaluation
Overconfidence/Optimism Representativeness Anchoring Availability Framing Statistical Problems
Explanation 90% of Drivers Claim above Average Skill 99% of Freshman Claim Superior Intelligence Illusion of Control Financial Effects and Implications Excessive Trading Capital Budgeting
Explanation Base Rates Under-Utilized Sample Size Neglect Financial Effects and Implications Excessive Extrapolation Small Sample as Representative of Population
Explanation Initial Arbitrary Value Attila the Hun Experiment Financial Effects and Implications Benchmarks
Explanation Recent Issues Salient Issues Financial Effects and Implications Over-Reaction to News
Explanation Frame-Dependent Decisions ‘Asian Disease’ Experiment Financial Effects and Implications Effects of Frames on Financial Decisions
Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice and she participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations. Which of the following statements are more probable? A. Linda is active in the feminist movement. B. Linda is a bank teller. C. Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement.
FIN 614: Financial Management Larry Schrenk, Instructor