Today is: Wed. March 17, 2010 Please read “Changing Borders in Europe” on p. 256 in your textbooks. 1. What is story of the German-French border described? 2. Why do borders or boundaries exist? 3. Why are they necessary?
Today is: Thurs. March 18, Are the Korea’s one state or two? 2. Are China and Taiwan one state or two? 3. What are some issues or problems in defining states or nations? 4. Where and when did the development of the state concept come from?
Today is: Fri. March 19, What is a colony? Give at least 3 examples of colonies. 2. What were/are the reasons nations would want to establish colonies? 3. Why do boundaries cause problems?
Today is: Mon. March 22, Describe the shapes of states and the positive and negative affects of each of these shapes. 2. What does it mean to be landlocked? Describe the landlocked states in Southern Africa. 3. How is a frontier different than a boundary?
Today is: Tues. March 23, Describe and give examples of the different types of cultural boundaries in the world. 2. What is the “Green Line” boundary in Cyprus? 3. Describe boundaries within states. 4. What is gerrymandering?
Today in Class….. We will be doing a gallery walk for our Africa “presentations”. You will have about 5 minutes to prepare-- post-it note on your poster and be sure everything is clearly displayed. Hang your poster when you are ready. Individually, go around to each poster (not your own) and answer the following: –What do you see? –What criteria do you believe was used to create the boundaries? –Ways the assignment meets requirements? What could be done to improve?
Today is: Thurs. March 25, What were the major points or ideas that you learned from your work with the UN charter? 2. From your homework last night-what is the importance of the UN in our world today?
Today is: Fri. March 26, 2010 Please write this in your notebook for today’s question: –There is no official question today –We are going to the computer lab to continue our work with the UN. –Complete the worksheet individually and it must be completed by the end of the hour. –Partnerships and countries will be given at the end of the hour!
Today is: Mon. April 5, 2010 Please copy this into your notebook for today’s question: –We will be going to the computer lab for the rest of class today. –Sit with your Model UN partner –You will be completing the country research information-get as much background on your country today as you can. –Check your grades: the quarter ends on Thursday and all missing work is due tomorrow (Tuesday).
Today is: Tues. April 6, 2010 Please copy this into your notebook for today’s question: –All missing work is due today by 2pm! –Remember to turn in your UN website worksheet-it is due today! –Copy down binder requirements from the chalk board. –Position Papers-grab hand-outs one per group. Please be aware of due dates!
Today in Class….. We will be starting a documentary called Darfur Now. You don’t need to take notes, but you will need to respond to the following reflection question once the documentary is over: –Describe the events in Darfur. How do population, refugees, resources, development, boundaries/boarders and geography in general play a role in the conflict in Darfur?
Today is: Thurs. April 8, 2010 No official question today, please copy this into your notebook as your question. We will finish Darfur Now today Your reflection response will be due on Monday at the beginning of class and should be at least 11/2-2 pages long. After the documentary we have one last assignment for the quarter-hopefully you brought your notes!! Bring all Model UN work with you to class on Monday and try to have your binders by then as well. Reminder that position papers for competition are due on Tues. April 13--see me if you’d like to write one by then.
Today is: Mon. April 12, 2010 There will be no official question-you will be taking notes about the UN in just a minute. New seating chart for Quarter 4. Darfur Now reflection due right now! New hand-outs for UN Binder Work with partner on taking notes about your topic and organizing for researching this week. Make sure you have all the binder requirements copied down-this will be your assignment this week! Country speeches will take place on Friday
Today is: Tues. April 13, 2010 There is no official question today-write this down quickly so we can get to the computer lab! Permission slips are due, signed, to me by Mon. April 19th Country/topic speeches will take place on Friday! Have your note cards ready. Position papers are due on Mon. April 19th as well. Today in the lab--work through binder requirements 1-4 and begin writing your speech and/or position paper.
Today is: Fri. April 16, What is a caucus? 2. What is a resolution? 3. How should you dress as a delegate for the Model UN conference?
Today is: Mon. April 19, 2010 No official question of the day, but please copy this into your notebooks: Position papers and permission slips are due today. Please get them in the silver basket during class. Add resolution writing hand-outs to your binder. In the library tomorrow to research. Finish up speeches!! Everyone goes!! UN Simulation-we won’t finish, but it will give you a good idea of what the conference will be like.