Social stratification, social class, and regionalism August 25, 2004
Social order and differentiation How is social order maintained in the face of social differentiation? Differentiation occurs first of all on the basis of ascriptive characteristics: sex, age, strength, etc.
Social order and differentiation, cont. There is no social group, no matter how small, in which the individuals who comprise the group are equivalent. Dyad Triad Which is the more stable?
Differentiation at the societal level Social class Marx’s definition: relationship to the means of production Importance of social class Social mobility Structural and perceptual indicators
Inequality of income distribution Definition of inequality of income distribution: The ratio of total income received by the 20% of the population with the highest income (top quintile) to that received by the 20% of the population with the lowest income (lowest quintile)
Income inequality statistics Income inequality: EU4.4 Italy4.8 UK4.9 US13.6 Countries with lowest ratios? EUROSTAT
Perceptual indicators of inequality “Differences in income in my country are too high” Italy53% US27%
Perceptual indicators of inequality For getting ahead in life: “Coming from a wealthy family is very important Italy40% US14%
Perceptual indicators “Having political connections is very important” Italy55% US 9% “Hard work is very important” Italy57% US89%
Income inequality and social class Income inequality isn’t the only determinant of social class differentiation. WHAT ELSE MATTERS?
Social class, cont. Cultural division of labor “Familial” division of labor
Occupational distribution Employment by sector in Italy Services66% (EU 70) Industry30% (EU 25) Agriculture 4.8% (EU 4.2)
Unemployment rates Italy9.4 EU7.4 UK5.0 US6.4 Of persons less than 25 years of age Italy 28% EU15%
Poverty in Italy 12% of households and 13% of individuals live in poverty. How is poverty distributed? By region 65% in South (33% of households are in the S) 23% in North (48%...) 12% in Center (18%...)
Poverty in Italy Other social characteristics Size of household Presence of children Age Sex Education
Conclusion Social stratification and social class are relevant at all levels of analysis For an individual For a group For a region For a country IMPORTANT DETERMINANT OF A COUNTRY’S STATUS IN THE WORLD ECONOMY, ATTAINMENT OF A GROUP, LIFE CHANCES OF AN INDIVIDUAL