The Hindu Caste system
Ross, K.L. (2010). The caste system in hinduism. Retrieved from
Brahmin From the Bhagavad Gita: – “The works of a Brahmin are peace; self-harmony, austerity, and purity; loving-forgiveness and righteousness; vision and wisdom and faith.” Brahmins are priests and teachers, and are meant to guide the people in spiritual matters. Jnana Yoga: “The path of knowledge”
Kshatriya “These are the works of a Kshatriya: a heroic mind, inner fire, constancy, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and noble leadership.” Those in the Kshatriya caste are warriors and government officials. They’re meant to protect the people. Karma Yoga: “Discipline of Action”
Vaishya “Trade, agriculture and the rearing of cattle is the work of a Vaishya.” The Vaishya consist of farmers, merchants and artisans. They eventually became the land-owners, money-lenders, and all- round capitalists. Bhakti Yoga – “Discipline of Loving Devotion”
Shudra “And the work of the Shudra is service.” The Shudra are labourers. Unlike the others, they are not considered “twice born”. Bhakti Yoga: “Discipline of Loving Devotion”
“Twice born” The Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya castes are all considered “twice born” Has nothing to do with reincarnation. Twice born refers to a coming of age ceremony one undergoes when ready, during which the person dedicates him/herself to their Dharma. Only those who are “twice born” are meant to read the Vedas.
Ross, K.L. (2010). The caste system in hinduism. Retrieved from