1 The ACVP/STP Coalition for Veterinary Pathology Fellows 5th Scientific Conference Oregon Convention Center Portland, OR Saturday, June 15, 2013
2 Welcome! Coalition participants –Fellows –Academic and Industrial Mentors –Sponsors –Board of Governors Others – thank you for attending Please see poster in registration area (copies available)
3 Today’s Program Copies of agenda available Coalition Scientific Conferences held at ~18 month intervals alternating between ACVP and STP meetings One of several important means to provide on- going interaction between Fellows, training institutes and sponsors Presentations by 6 current Fellows Joint academia/industry presentation Reception
4 The Coalition Concept Sponsors Meet the need for more veterinary pathologists Demonstrate commitment to science and career opportunities in industry Establish funding mechanisms to increase the supply of veterinary pathologists by integrating the common interests of three groups ACVP and STP Promote programs that enhance candidates’ success Assist training programs and sponsors achieve their goals Training Institutions Increase number of funded training positions Communicate goals of training programs and career opportunities in academia
5 Coalition Management Structure (2013) ACVP Council & STP Executive Committee Admin Offices The Rees Group Director Dr. Gary Cockerell Board of Governors ACVP Dr. Mark Cline (Chair) Dr. Stephen Gaunt Dr. Mark Hoenerhoff Dr. Robert Jacobs Dr. Lisa Miller Current President (ad hoc) STP Dr. Noël Dybdal Dr. William Iverson (Treas) Dr. Julian Oliver Dr. Bhanu Singh (Sec) Dr. Paul Snyder Current President (ad hoc) Oversight Strategic Leadership Implementation & Administration
6 Total Positions and Financial Commitments Time Number of Positions Oct '05Oct '06Oct '07Oct '08Oct '09Oct '10Oct '11Oct '12 PhD Grad Student Clin Path Resident Anat Path Resident $1.1M $6.0M $2.8M $3.3M $5.0M $6.2M $6.8M
7 Current Positions of Past Coalition Fellows (as of June 2013) CRODx LabsBioPharmAcademiaAdd'l TrainingTBD PhD Grad Student Clin Path Resident Anat Path Resident Number of Fellows
8 A New Service to Facilitate Career Advancement Opportunities Outcome of strategic planning and a Request for Concepts Primary mission remains to fund new training positions; this service will further enhance training in veterinary pathology and will be of value to pathology trainees as well as established pathologists –Industrial and Governmental Internships for Post-DVM Pathology Residents –Industrial and Governmental Veterinary Pathology Post-Doctoral Fellowships –Sabbaticals for Veterinary Pathologists in Academia, Industry and Government –Supplemental Industrial Funding for Post-DVM PhD Pathology Graduate Research –Recruiting Post-DVM PhD Pathology Graduate Students for Extramurally Funded Training Positions Easy to use – details on how to post information and standardized forms can be found at
9 Thanks For Your Participation! This conference is for the primary benefit of the Fellows Audience participation and constructive criticism is strongly encouraged Now, let’s enjoy…