Rule Review For Biology
The Main Rule is: Respect
That means… Raise your hand to speak –Then please wait to be called on Don’t talk when I’m talking or another student is Pay attention Listen and be ready to learn
Procedures for Biology Bellringer- –Be in your seat when the bell rings –Look at board quietly –Follow instructions as given. Substitute Teacher- –Bellringer –Listen –Follow instructions
Handing in Work –Listen for instructions –Check for your name and period –Make sure it is in the correct basket Receiving Note from Office -- When you get it read it quietly and put it away.
When asking to leave the room; for nurse, rest room, etc. -- Have your assignment book filled out and ONLY then come to ask me if you can go. --After you’ve done the above, then I will decide if it is a good time or I’ll ask you to wait until later.
Make-up Work –If you are absent from class, you need to stop in to get your assignment before school the day you return. –If you do not come in, the assignment will be due that day. –Check in Make-up basket for work sheets –LATE WORK WILL LOSE 3 PTS. /DAY
If you miss a day… Check with me upon your return about what you need to hand in, pick up. Check assignments online. –School website Staff –Mrs. Kerrie Johnson, scroll over to My Folders –You will find the weeks assignments there.
Food & Drink in class Needs to be healthy Single servings, (small) Needs to be pre-prepared –Non-distracting=(not passing it around)
Semester 2 is a CLEAN START You will be starting over completely for semester 2. You can clean out your books, worksheets, notes, etc. Please RECYCLE the white paper.
And…. NO CELL PHONES during class time.