Chapter Awards and Opportunities
Chapter Award Program Compete against other chapters across state and nationCompete against other chapters across state and nation Based on Program of ActivitiesBased on Program of Activities –completion of goals Superior Chapter AwardSuperior Chapter Award
Program of Activities Division: Student Development LeadershipLeadership Develop technical, human relations and decision making skills Sending members to leadership conferences, conventions, providing public speaking experiences, hosting demonstrations, assist with community efforts
Program of Activities Division: Student Development Healthy LifestylesHealthy Lifestyles Promote well-being and self-esteem Drug and alcohol prevention Safety Promotion Recreational Activities Personal Image
FFA Members, why are we here? (tap, tap, tap)FFA Members, why are we here? (tap, tap, tap)
Program of Activities Division: Student Development Supervised Agricultural ExperienceSupervised Agricultural Experience Promote student involvement in SAE Number of members applying for Proficiency Awards, Degrees Guest Speakers ToursFairs
Program of Activities Division: Student Development ScholarshipScholarship Develop a positive attitude toward life-long learning Scholarship Awards Tutoring Chapter Honor Roll
Program of Activities Division: Student Development Agricultural Career SkillsAgricultural Career Skills Promote the learning of skills needed in different agricultural careers Field Trips Guest Speakers Tours
Program of Activities Division: Chapter Development RecruitmentRecruitment Increase enrollment in Ag Tech / FFA FFA Week Activities Pizza Party, Barbecue, Picnic Visiting Lower Grades
Program of Activities Division: Chapter Development FinanceFinance Committee Chairman: Treasurer Chapter Budget Fundraising Plans
Program of Activities Division: Chapter Development Public RelationsPublic Relations Committee Chairman: Reporter Promote a positive image and inform about chapter accomplishments News to Papers, Radio etc. Member at Board Meetings Chapter Banquet National Agriculture Week
Program of Activities Division: Chapter Development LeadershipLeadership Develop technical, human relations and decision making skills Sending members to leadership conferences, conventions, providing public speaking experiences, hosting demonstrations, assist with community efforts
Program of Activities Division: Chapter Development Support GroupsSupport Groups Develop positive relationships between FFA and parents, community leaders, and industry FFA Alumni Chamber of Commerce County Extension Parent-Teacher Organizations etc.
Program of Activities Division: Community Development Economic ResourcesEconomic Resources Improve financial health of community, enhancing tourism and preserving historical sites Historical Preservation Project Enhance Local Tourism Develop Other Efforts to Contribute to Community’s Economy
Program of Activities Division: Community Development Environmental ResourcesEnvironmental Resources Preserve Natural Resources and Develop Environmentally Responsible Individuals Conservation Producer and Consumer Safety Water and Air Quality
Program of Activities Division: Community Development Human ResourcesHuman Resources Improve Welfare and Well-being of Members and Community Partners for Active Learning (PALS) Food Drive Personal Safety Promotion
Program of Activities Division: Community Development CitizenshipCitizenship Encourage Members to Become Active, Involved Citizens Community Service Volunteerism Civic Duties and Responsibilities Working With Chamber of Commerce
Program of Activities Division: Community Development Agricultural Awareness / LiteracyAgricultural Awareness / Literacy Help Public Become Better Informed About Food and Fiber System Food For America Ag in the Classroom Ag Safety Promotion National Ag Day Activities Student/Parent Orientations
Program of Activities All Chapter Members InvolvedAll Chapter Members Involved Officers and Members Work as a Team Activities Develop Pride in Accomplishment Most are a lot of FUN Get Involved