BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR This presentation is about blood on the on the dance floor. You will learn more about them and what their vibe is like. You will also be able to watch one of their video’s and find out how many tours they’ve done.
contents Blood on the dance floor. Blood on the dance floor most popular songs. Styles. How many tattoos and piercings they have. Where do they gig? Where have they FESTIVALad? Songs Where they are most popular Bonus track
Blood on the dance floor Blood on the Dance Floor is an American electropop duo from Orlando, Florida. The group's 2012 release Evolution reached No. 42 on the Billboard 200.
Blood on the dance floors most popular songs There most famous songs are bewitched, rise and shine, believe, damaged, death to your heart, unforgiving, ima monster, where's my wonderland and its happening.
Style They dress like they sing there songs to express it a lot better. This style includes loads of makeup, black clothes and loads of different colours in there hair.
How many tattoos and piercings do they have? They have 4 piercings each and have over 12 tattoos they both have a sleeve on their arms and tattoos on their neck.
Where do they GIG? They have done tours in america and the uk which have involved over 200 gigs in each tour. Their most famous tour was in 2008 when they released the album bad blood.
Where have they FESTIVALad? They are known for Glastonbury, one of the biggest festivals in the world. They mainly go when its rock but as rock is in they go every year now. They like to play small festivals too like beautiful days in devon.
Click on this picture to check out one of their most famous songs. Bewitched video
Countries that their most popular in. 1America 2England 3Australia 4Germany 5France Countries that blood on the dance floor are most popular in