Henry VIII’s wives Introducing Henry’s six sorry wives. 3 Catherine’s, 2 Anne’s and 1 precious Jane.
Catherine of Aragon Catherine of Aragon was married to Henry for 24 years. Henry wanted a son but unfortunately she failed to give him one, she gave birth to a daughter called Mary I. Catherine was born in Spain. When there was a war in Spain, she had to move to England. That’s when she met Henry and got married on June 11 th 1509, at Greyfriars. Before Catherine married Henry, she married King Arthur, Henry’s brother. She had a daughter called Mary. However, her son died at still birth. When Henry was 12 he loved Catherine but could not marry until the age of 17. She died of a broken heart because Henry fell in love with Anne Boleyn.
Anne Boleyn Anne Boleyn was married to Henry for 3 years. Henry loved Anne whilst still married to Catherine of Aragon. He loved how Anne was young, pretty and witty. They both used to send love letters to each other. Anne was accused of killing her Uncle with the use of witch craft. Jane Seymour was lady in waiting to Anne. (this means she was a maid to her) Anne died by being beheaded in the tower.
Jane Seymour Jane Seymour was married to Henry for 1 year. She was lady in waiting to Anne Boleyn. Henry was attracted to Jane’s kindness and that she was not as bossy as Anne. Henry made Anne’s grave, therefore he truly cared for her. Jane had a park named after her in Wales, it was called Park Seymour. She once suffered from dihorrea. She also had a coronation (a special ceremony to celebrate her reign as Queen) When she died, Henry said she was his first true wife. Happily, Henry was buried next to Jane when he died.
Anne of Cleves Anne was married to Henry for 6 months. When Henry divorced her, she didn’t want to leave England. Therefore she became Henry’s beloved sister in name. Anne was born in Germany. Her father was John III Duke Of Cleves and her mother was Mary Duchess of Julich Berg. Anne’s brother William became the ruler after his fathers death. Although Anne was very ugly, she did make some English friends and she ordered an English wardrobe. She also learnt many English words. Anne of Cleves died 8 weeks before her birthday as she had Cancer.
Kathryn Howard Kathryn Howard was married to Henry for 2 years. Henry wanted to marry her because he wanted someone who would be faithful and he could live with. She was 19 when she married and Henry was 49. Kathryn’s dad was called Edmund Howard and her mum was called Joyce Culpeper. Kathryn was her mothers tenth child. The night before her execution, she practiced how to lay her head on the block. Henry called her a rose without a thorn.
Katherine Parr Katherine was married to Henry for 4 years. He married Katherine because he wanted a son to reign after him. Katherine was widowed twice and still didn’t have a child. She was married at Queen Closet, Hamlet Court. Henry tried to sentence her to death but unfortunately he was unsuccessful. After Henry died Katherine married Thomas Seymour, the brother of Jane Seymour. She married twice when she was years from then, she married John Nevell-Barren Of Yorkshire. Katherine lived at Hampton Court Palace.