OUR PROJECTS the INTERNATIONAL ETHNOS DIPLOMACY company carries out projects in areas: tourism, event-tourism, show business, fine arts, etc. At implementation of any INTERNATIONAL ETHNOS DIPLOMACY project bears the main mission: To propagandize beauty and respect for cultures of ethnoses in the conditions of total globalization of regions & a planet Competitions of beauty /Mr., Mrs. Mother Earth, world, Russia / small princess of Moscow / sports holiday of Performance cup Ethnic fashion/fashion summits in Tunisia/displays of fashions / ethnic collections of designers / Publishing international & national Activity /magazine press& broadcasting Event / international kindness academy / Implementation show projects/presentation musical clip material/festival/presentation «Sochi 2014» Graphic art/exhibition of the art project of artists Scientific conferences /
ADVERTISING POSSIBILITIES INTERNATIONAL ETHNOS DIPLPMACY Cooperates with the largest advertizing agencies Mass media Known companies worldwide Diplomatic missions in Moscow Foreign cultural centers Information support of actions in mass media TV Glossy editions Internet Industrial and profile mass media
Information support of actions in mass media TV Glossy editions Glossy editions Internet Internet Industrial and profile mass media Industrial and profile mass media
ACTION SUMMIT INTERNATIONAL ETHNOS DIPLOMACY Participants of the summit: Participants of the summit: Travel agency Travel agency Antiquarian house Antiquarian house Fashion house Fashion house Catering company Catering company Action program: Action program: Conference of participants Conference of participants Fashion show of ethnic collections Fashion show of ethnic collections Presentation of the companies of participants of the summit Presentation of the companies of participants of the summit Entertaining show with participation of known folklore collectives Entertaining show with participation of known folklore collectives Buffet table Buffet table Easy atmosphere, comfortable room, excellent mood, gifts and prizes Easy atmosphere, comfortable room, excellent mood, gifts and prizes
Options for partners of action: Placement of a logo of the Partner in catalogs Logo placement in the Partner gift booklets 3. Placement of a logo of the Partner on Press-wall of actions 4. The organization of interview and photoshoots against a logo of the Partner 5. Representation of a logo of the Partner on a scene, in a hall, etc. 6. Placement of a logo of the Partner on tickets of Show programs, exhibitions, conferences, etc. 7. Placement of a logo of the Partner on screens of partner platforms 8. Logo placement on the Company site 9.on-line action translation Additional options: 10. Distribution of POS materials 11. Representation on тейбл awnings during a buffet table and press conference 12. Distribution of souvenir products during carrying out action 13. Remarks of leaders during carrying out action 14. Integration of production into the action program 15. Commercial (production)
Cost of participation changes depending on a package deal Purchase of the status of the participant of the summit Purchase of partner participation General partner Special partner PURCHASE OF THE ADVERTISING PACKAGE Purchase of special actions
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