2 nd Grade News November2011 Classroom Highlights In music we have been practicing patriotic songs for our Veteran’s Day Assembly on November 11 th. In Math we have been writing and indentifying the ones, tens and hundreds place. We compared numbers, and recognized numbers as even and odd. In Language Arts, we continue to focus on Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding Vocabulary during our daily read-alouds, centers and reading groups. A representative from the Jamestown Museum came to our class last month and shared many artifacts and interesting information about Native Americans – our next unit in Social Studies! We completed our introduction to maps and globes and enjoyed learning about animal habitats and animal adaptations. November Curriculum Highlights Students will compare the lives and contributions of American Indians: Powhatan (Eastern Woodlands), Lakota (Plains) and the Pueblo (Southwest) SOLs 2.2, 2.4. Students will generate ideas before writing, organize writing to include a beginning, middle and end, revise writing for clarity, and edit for mechanics SOLs Students will continue to build on their experience using meaning clues and language structure as well as improve fluency and comprehension SOLs 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8. Students will estimate and compute sums and differences of numbers 99 or less. SOL 2.6 Teacher’s Corner I would like to thank you for taking time to meet for me for a conference. It is important that we communicate with one another in order to ensure your child’s academic success. I really enjoyed having the chance to speak to all of you one on one! If you have any questions or concerns during the school year, please let me know! Important Upcoming Dates November 7 th and 8 th : Student Holidays (Teacher Workdays) November 11 th : Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:00am Book Fair Begins November 14 th -18 th : American Education Week Book Fair (until Thursday) November 15 th : Reader’s Theatre Presentation 10:00-11:00 am November 16 th : Report cards sent home November 23 rd -25 th : Thanksgiving Holiday No School American Education Week 2011 You are invited to attend your child’s Reader’s Theatre presentation on Tuesday, November 15 th 10:00-11:00am in your child’s classroom A huge “THANK YOU!!!” goes out to parents who helped volunteer their time or send in supplies for our Pumpkin Carving Day and our Fall Party! You helped to make both events a success!
Helpful Websites Language Arts TumbleBooks Username: lcpse Password: elem eBooks Go to Tolbert’s Webpage. Click the Mackin VIA logo. Enter: Username: tollcpse Password: tornadoes Roy The Zebra Math Fun Brain Cool Math 4 Kids Check out the Second Grade website for more fun websites to use at home! Tornado Tickets Celebrate when your child receives an Individual Tornado Ticket! This shows that they were recognized by a staff member for showing respect for self, others or property. Students keep their Tornado Tickets in the front pocket of their agenda or the pencil pouch in their STAR Binder. November Birthdays Joseph Lee Reading Charms Me Students can turn in completed Reading Charms Me sheets to Mrs. Kennedy during your child’s regular library day and time. Colder Weather & Outdoor Recess Although winter has not officially started, cold weather is already here! Please be sure to watch the temperature and send your child to school with appropriate outerwear for the winter months (warm jacket, hat, mittens, etc.). All students go outside for recess, weather permitting. If your child is not wearing weather-appropriate outerwear, they will not be able to participate in outdoor recess.