What is Matlab Course Goals Precedence Accounts & Login Variables Error Types Course Logistics Vince Bertsch Office:
Numerical Computations Visualization/Graphing Programmable (interpreted) Symbolic Equations Toolboxes for Engineering Graphical User Interfaces Data Acquisition Simulation & Design Signal Processing Image Processing Control Systems Fuzzy Logic Calculator Excel C++, Java, Assembly Mathematica, Maple Lab View, Logger Pro
Computer programming skills Computer as a tool for analysis & display Collaboration for efficient learning & skill building Matlab specific knowledge Goals may cause recurring problems due to narrowed focus and decreased intrinsic motivation. Use care when applying goals.
( )parentheses ^power / * \ multiplication & division + - addition & subtraction Mark your 9 squares with numbers from 1 to 25 (no duplicates)
User:engr-x Pswd:x Dom:apptech Instructor will give each of you a unique login number, it’s the x. You will be prompted to make a new password (case sensitive).
Case sensitive 32 character max No spaces or math symbols Avoid command names & predefined constants sin, exp, size, max, format, help NaN, pi, Inf, i, j, eps, ans, = is assignment operator (not the math symbol) >> VinHtInch = 6* >> y+5=6 syntax error Name returns the value >> VinHtCM = 2.54*VinHtInch
Syntax error Computer gives red error message Computer says, “I don’t understand.” Logical error Result happens, but is wrong User says, “That’s not what I meant.” >> VinHtInch = 6*10 + 6; >> VinHtCM = 2.54*VinHtinch ??? Undefined function or variable 'VinHtinch'.
Syllabus Schedule Labs HW #1 Something’s Wrong