The Giant Came Tumbling Down The Decline and Fall of Rome World History
Foreign invasions Germanic people for centuries attacked the Romans some learned Roman way and became allies Huns nomadic people fought fierce battles Visigoths In 410 overran Italy and plundered Rome
Corrupt government Became more oppressive and authoritarian Lost support of the people Undermined loyalty Frequent civil wars Political violence and instability Emperors were overthrown by ambitious generals
Division of the Empire Eastern part controlled by Diocletian Fixed prices for goods and services Laws required sons to follow their father’s occupations Made center of power by Constantine Economy was revived
Division of Empire Western provinces Ruled by co-emperor Diocletian had absolute power In 312 was in decline
Poverty and unemployment Farmers abandoned their land High taxes Farmland over cultivated Lost its productivity War and epidemic diseases swept the empire Middle class sank to poverty High taxes to support the army and the bureaucracy
Declining moral values Erosion of traditional values upper class Devoted itself to luxury and self-interest
A. D. 476 – Roman Empire falls Odoacer (oh doh AY suhr) A Germanic leader Ousted the emperor in Rome Historians referred to that event as the “fall” of Rome