Rome The empire: decline and fall
Rome (decline and fall) Summary of Roman empire up to 180ad Pax Romana – What it did for the economy of Rome Religion – State religion – Imperial cult – Philosophical religions – Mystery religions
Rome (decline and fall) Christianity – As a mystery religion – Persecution Why persecuted Roman policy Systematic persecution – Success of Christianity Why successful Christianity and slavery
Rome (decline and fall) From the Antonines to the Severans 180ad: 2 nd century warning signs – Roman society – The Army Commodus and the end of the Antonines ( )
Rome (decline and fall) Severan Dynasty – Septimius Severus ( ) – Caracalla ( ) – Macrinus ( ) – Elagabalus ( ) – Alexander Severus ( )
Rome (decline and fall) The crisis of the 3 rd cent – Barracks emperors – The problems Persia Barbarians Civil War Economic breakdown Political crisis Diocletian