Ch.13 Changes on the Western Frontier
Cowboys Romanticized: Adventurous, exciting, fun, etc… Reality: Hard work, long hours, little pay, lonely. Main job was to round up cattle (ranchers) Beef demand increases significantly. Chisholm Trail- Texas to Kansas- route used to transport cattle Open Range ends- Overgrazing, bad weather, and the invention of barbed wire.
Moving West The West is Romanticized: Great opportunity, lots of chances to succeed. Reality: Not as much opportunity as thought. Boom-towns- Where discoveries of gold or other resources are found, towns pop up over night.
Settling on the Great Plains Section 2 Homestead Act- 160 acres of land given to any citizen to go West and live on the land. Problem: Private speculators and companies used it for their own gain. Not enough land for most farmers. Morrill Act- Gave federal land to promote agricultural colleges.
Fear of the end of the Frontier “American social development has been continually beginning over and over again on the frontier. This perennial rebirth, this fluidity of American life, this expansion westward with its new opportunities, its continuous touch with the simplicity of primitive society, furnish the forces dominating American character.” Frontier closing: Yellowstone National Park is created. Running out of open unclaimed land.
Life on the Plains Extremely tough Lived in sod homes- pests, insects, and snakes would come into the homes. Grievances of the Farmers Extreme Debt High railroad prices Low prices for crops High interest rates on loans
Farmers Unite Greenbacks- Money not backed by gold Hard money- printed in yellow ink to signify it was backed by gold. Worth more than greenbacks. Farmers called for the printing of more greenbacks. Government instead began taking greenbacks out of circulation. Farmers are crushed by this change.
Farmer Groups Oliver Hudson Kelley- Started the organization for farmer’s grievances known as the Grange. Farmers’ Alliances develops in response to the Grange. Groups that helped farmers promote their issues and grievances.
Populism A movement of people for the Populist or People’s Party. Platform: Called for reform to help farmers get out of debt. Increase money supply. Graduated income tax. Federal loan program. Wanted changes in the political system as well.
Panic 1893 Many major railroads went bankrupt in Governments gold reserves worn out. People panicked and traded paper money for gold. Stock market crashed, silver prices plunged, mines closed, and many banks closed. Investments, consumerism, wages, and prices all declined. Many farmers went under.
Silver or Gold Bimetallism- Silver and gold based monetary system for the nation. (Make more money) Democrat campaign Gold Standard- Monetary system backed by only gold. Republican campaign (President Cleveland)
Election of 1896 William McKinley- Republican and gold standard advocate. William Jennings Bryan- Democratic party and favored bimetallism. Democrats and Populists want a different candidate for presidency. McKinley wins and officially ends the Populist Party.