Health Education Syllabus Coach W. Fobbs Room Website:
CLASS DESCRIPTION This Health class presents a broad range of topics that will acquaint students with major concept of wellness, personal, and public health. The units covered include Wellness, Mental health, Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Human sexuality, Disease, First Aid and CPR and Papa training.
Student Supplies HEALTH TEXTBOOK: Glencoe Health Classroom copy only Pens and Pencils 3 ring binder or Folder with paper.
Extra Credit Items OLD MAGAZINES HAND SANITIZER KLEENEX OLD NEWSPAPER POSTER BOARD CONSTRUCTION PAPER 5 pts each. You may use your extra credit any 6 weeks. Items must be brought in within the first 2 weeks of the semester and they can only be brought in once.
Class Rules Respect yourself and others No harassment of any kind No eating or drinking (except water) in class Please throw all paper and trash in the wastebasket. NO SLEEPING IN CLASS No Profanity in class Hall passes: You must have your planner to get a pass to the restroom, library, nurse etc…. Tardy Policy: You must be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. The door will be locked when the tardy bell rings and you must go to your house principal and get a tardy pass to enter class.
Grading Scale/grading Policy A B C D 0-69 F Major grades 60% Daily Grades 40% Test days: Wednesday and Friday Make Up days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday after School
Health Course Outline Unit 1: A healthy FoundationChapters 1-3 Unit 2: Physical Activity and NutritionChapters 4-6 Unit 3: Mental and Emotional HealthChapters 7-9 Unit 4: Promoting Safety and Healthy Relationships Chapters Unit 5: Personal Health and Body System Chapters Unit 6: Growth and DevelopmentChapters Unit: 7 Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Chapters Unit 8: Communicable and Chronic diseases Chapters Unit 9 Injury Prevention and SafetyChapters 27-29
Warm-ups You will have a warm-up every day. All other warm-ups will either be on the board or overhead projector.
Current Events Dates to TBA They must be submitted through my website. Total of 3 per 6 th weeks Presentations will be done on select Thursdays throughout the Semester.
Class Projects—Major Grade Mental Health Banner Personality Paper Mental health Disorder group project Nutrition analysis Baby project cost analysis Relationship Photo Hunt A-Z disease diary Chinatown food ways Hurricane tracking chart Unit Test
Class Projects—Daily grades Vocabulary Quizzes Current Events Other Assignments
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