Profiles in Success Phillip Rosebrook, JR. CR Business Mentors
Business Success “Opportunity is frequently over looked because it is typically dressed in overalls and looks like hard work” Strong leadership Desire to succeed Commitment to excellence Clear vision Focus Reinforcement and recognition Proactive measurements and information
The Opposite of Success Top Line revenue Assets and equipment Employees Stress Risk A Job
Your Business A tool to fulfill your life’s ambitions Livelihood for your family Livelihood for employees family A service to your community Responsibility
Struggles Partnership strategy Managing by fear Lack of balance - too much sales emphasis or production Micromanagement and lack of communication Indecisiveness and lack of leadership Quality staff permanent employment
More Challenges Pride Comfort zones Family issues and position entitlement Technical obsession and stuck in trenches Victims of short term success Heavy management salaries
Company Paradigm shifts The next generation New vision Wake up calls Merge company New management - Fresh perspective Living on the edge & discomfort
Profiles in Success Canstar Restorations ( JC Restoration ( CRCS ( Hammer ( J&L Johnson ( Monroe ( Sun Country (
Common Traits A strategic plan Balance Quality managers Proactive Sales Culture Strong leadership
Lessons from Leaders “If your actions inspire others to Dream more, Learn more, Do more, and Become more, You are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
Leadership “Think before you act, then act decisively” -Brian Tracy Become a student of leadership Create a compelling vision Reward and celebrate achievement Positive and proactive
Focus on Quality and Service “The future belongs to the competent. It belongs to those that are very, very good at what they do. It doesn’t belong to the well meaning” Brian Tracy Merely an invitation to compete
Long Term Focus “Where there is profit there is loss nearby” Ancient Proverb "There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures." Josiah Gilbert Holland
Pay for Performance Allows you to recruit and retain best employees Company wins first Hire sales oriented people Set challenging goals
Character of The Owner "People of character do the right thing, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world." Michael Josephson radio Commentator
Community Integration Be a leader in your community Network locally Use your business to serve Have balance it is not your main job
Consistent Marketing “Keep your sales pipeline full by prospecting continuously. Always have more people to see than you have time to see them.” Brian Tracy Owner Managers Culture Measure and focus
Value Understand your customers needs and expectations Focus on the value proposition in the sales transaction
Companies of Action Decisive leaders create a strategy and implement
Lessons Learned Not an accident Not easy Proactive strategic planning Clear understood vision Failing forward Locate missing pieces and understanding weaknesses Passion and fun!
Steps Define your success Understand your limiting factors Create an plan Assemble your team Communicate your plan Foundation and measurements
Summary Have a plan Be a good boss Perform exceptionally Network Measurements and accountability Proactive