1 Cohort Graduation Rate Validation Office of Assessment and Information Services Oregon Department of Education April 9, 2010
2 Cohort Validation Timeline April 8 – District Validation Window Opens. April 15, 22, 29 – Refresh of district validation data May 4 – Validation window closes (please don’t wait until the last week (please don’t wait until the last week to submit appeals) to submit appeals) May 10 – Final District Preview May 12 – Press Release
3 What is a Cohort? A cohort is a set of students who first entered high school (anywhere in Oregon, the U.S., or elsewhere) during a particular school year. The cohort is the set of students who first entered high school anywhere during the school year. This is the graduating class of Note: High school entry years are not reassigned when a student transfers between schools.
4 Student Outcomes All students with a high school entry year of are assigned an outcome: 1.Graduate: regular high school diploma. 2.Exempt: Transfer, move to home schooling, emigrate, or are deceased. 3.Other Completers: Received an Adult High School Diploma, Modified Diploma, GED or Alternative Certificate. 4.Continuing enrollment in Non Completers/Dropouts/Not Continuing Enrollment.
5 What is the Four-year Cohort Graduation Rate? The Four-year Cohort Graduation Rate (CGR) is the percent of students who receive a regular diploma within four years of first entering high school. The rate for a particular school takes into account transfers into and out of the school during the four years.
Logging on to the Validation Site 1.Log on to the secure district site at: /default.aspx /default.aspx /default.aspx 2.Select the application called: Report Card/AYP. 3.Use the first pull-down to select the entire district, or individual schools. 4.Select the pull-down menu option: High School Cohort Graduation Rate
District Validation View 7
Validation Notes The counts in the “Continuing Enrollment” and “Non Completers” categories will shift when we refresh the data on April 15. 8
Instructions and Accepting or Appealing 9
Acceptance or Appeals 10
Appeals Error 11
12 Data Sources ODE used records from the following: Annual ADM for to Early Leavers for to High School Completers for to 2 nd period Cumulative ADM for SSID high school entry year Cohort Spreadsheet Survey LEP Collection for to SECC Collections, Child Find, June Exit for to Spring Membership for to 08-09
HS Entry Year 4-year Cohort HS Entry Year: This indicates the first year that the members of this cohort were enrolled in a high school grade (9-12). Data Sources: Cohort Survey, Annual ADM for to , SSID Note: Students who are retained in a grade do not have their entry year changed. 13
Subgroups Shown Total (Tot) Male (M) Female (F) American Indian (AM) Asian (AS) African American (BL) Hispanic (HI) White (WH) Multi-ethnic (MU) Declined (DC) Economically disadvantaged (ECODIS) Non-economically disadvantaged (WOECODIS) Limited English Proficient (LEP) Non-LEP (NONLEP) Students with disabilities (WDIS) Students without disabilities (WODIS) Talented and Gifted (TAG) Non-TAG (WOTAG) 14
15 Subgroup Membership Race/Ethnicity/Gender –Based on student outcome record (sometimes an enrollment record). Students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged, limited English proficient, TAG –Based on whether the student was classified in these subgroups at any time during high school
Unadjusted Cohort from to The count of students whose high school entry year is determined to be and whose last record in a diploma granting district/high school was this district/school. This includes student who transfer into the school or district after ninth grade. Data Sources: Cohort Survey, Annual ADM, Early Leavers, HS Completers, SSID. Note: Students are never assigned to a JDEP or to programs. 16
17 Transfer Out This category contains all students in the institution’s unadjusted cohort but who: Transferred to another state – cohort survey Emigrated – HS completer code ’14’ (honorary diploma), cohort survey diploma), cohort survey Transferred to a private school – cohort survey Left for home schooling EL code ‘03’, cohort survey survey Date Sources: Early Leavers, High School Completers, cohort survey. Note: These outcomes must be with 14 days of the last event for the student. Cumulative ADM codes were used for event in summer 2009.
18 Deceased Students reported with Early Leaver code ’02’. Date Sources: Early Leavers, cohort survey. Note: These outcomes must be the last event for the student.
19 Who is NOT exempted? The following situations do NOT exempt a student from an institution: Transfer to an alternative program within the district; Transfer to a JDEP.
20 Adjusted Cohort The unadjusted cohort with the transfers out and deceased students removed. This will be the denominator for the cohort rate.
21 Regular High School Diplomas Students reported with HS Completer codes ‘10’ and ‘12’. This includes diplomas awarded by August 31, This will be the numerator for the cohort rate. Date Sources: High School Completers, Cohort Survey. Note: The resident district and school on the diploma record become the accountable institutions for the student. If the school is now closed this student reverts to the district.
22 Cohort Grad Rate The four-year cohort graduation rate for the high school entry year cohort: Regular High School Diplomas __________________________________________________________________________________________ Adjusted Cohort from to
23 Adult HS Diploma Students reported with Early Leaver Code ‘04’, through matching with CCWD data, or in the cohort survey. Date Sources: Early Leavers, CCWD, Cohort Survey. Note: These are not counted as regular high school diplomas.
24 Modified Diploma Students reported with HS completer code ‘11’ or in the cohort survey. Date Sources: HS Completers, Cohort Survey. Note: A student who continues to enroll in their fifth year, but has attained a modified diploma by the end of their fourth year will be classified in this category.
25 Alternative Certificate Students reported with HS Completer code ‘13’. Date Sources: HS Completers, Cohort Survey.
26 GED Students reported with Early Leaver code ‘05’ or are matched to CCWD data. Date Sources: HS Completers, CCWD, cohort survey.
27 Continuing Enrollment Students reported in Cumulative ADM with enrollment after 8/31/2009 and who have not received a credential. Date Sources: Cumulative ADM Note: Continuing enrollment students who had attained an Adult HS Diploma, Modified, Alt Certificate or GED are reported in those categories.
28 Non-Completers/ Dropouts/Not Continuing Students reported with Early Leavers code ‘01’,‘06’, ‘07’, ‘08’ or whose last record is an Annual ADM record without an accompanying HSC or EL record. Date Sources: Early Leavers, Annual ADM, cohort survey. Note: Dropout events that are followed by an enrollment event are not included.
Additional Processing Rules 29
30 Outcome Hierarchy RankOutcomeSourceNotes 1.Regular DiplomaHSC 2.DeceasedEL 3.Emigrated (Honorary)HSCMust be last event 4.Transferred to Home School, Private School, or outside OR EL, Survey Must be last event 5.Adult High School DiplomaEL, CCWD 6.Modified DiplomaHSC 7.GEDEL, CCWD 8.Alternative CertificateHSC 9.Continuing EnrollmentcumADM 10.Withdrew to a Program (LCTC, etc) EL 11.Last record is enrollmentADMMust be last event 12.Non-Graduate/Non- continuing/dropout EL
31 Assigning Students to Districts By a “district” we mean any regular school district, including YCEP, but excluding JDEP and ESDs. Students are assigned to the last district the student was enrolled at: –Regular diplomas are assigned to the reporting district. –Exempted, other completers, non-graduates, and students who withdrew are assigned to the last district they were enrolled at, as evidenced by: The district in their leaver or completer record (if any – we exclude JDEP and ESD) Lacking a leaver/completer record in a district we use the last district the student was enrolled in.
32 Assigning Students to Schools By a “high school” we mean any regular school that receives an AYP report and includes grades 10 or higher. Once a student is assigned to an Accountable District, we assign students to the last diploma granting school the student was resident at within the district
33 Assigning Schools (cont’d) Regular diplomas are assigned to the reporting school. Exempted students, other completers, non- graduates, and students who withdrew are assigned to the last high school (if any) they were enrolled at in their accountable district, as evidenced by: –The high school in their leaver or completer record (if any – we exclude JDEP and ESD, and non high schools) –Lacking a leaver/completer record in a district we use the last high school the student was enrolled at in the district.
Validation Steps 34
Major Data Points to Review Review HS entry year Accountable Institution Transfers out Outcomes (particularly regular diplomas) Demographics 35
How to Submit Appeals There will be a two-step process for appeals. 1.Submit an appeal on the validation window. 2.Submit student-level data to that supports the appeal to Brian Lindsley. 3.Use the Appeals Data Submission Template located at:
Appeals Data Submission Template If you wish to submit additional data for students regarding their High school entry year District and School Outcome Demographics Please use the data submission template available at the cohort web page: id= id= id=
38 Links Cohort Graduation Rate web page: Cohort Graduation Rate web page: By Friday, April 9 this web page will include: – Cohort Graduation Policy and Technical Manual – Validation Timeline – Instructions for district validations and appeals – Copy of this WebEx – Announcements and updates
39 Contact Information For more information on the Cohort Graduation Rate, contacts are: Brian Lindsley (primary contact for validations) Brian Lindsley (primary contact for validations) phone: phone: Jon Wiens (contact for webex questions) Jon Wiens (contact for webex questions) phone: phone: Cynthia Yee Cynthia Yee phone: phone: