Greek roots: “tropos” 7 th Grade English Lit. & Comp OCHSA2007
Root: tropos
Meaning: turning
Derivatives 1.tropics 2.tropical 3.heliotrope
Derivatives 1.t ropics- the area of the earth from the equator north to the Tropic of Cancer and south to the Tropic of Capricorn
Derivatives 2. tropical: the climate of the earth in the tropics
Derivatives 3.heliotrope: (helios- sun)- a flower named for its tendency to turn toward the sun.
Your turn! Can you list two more words of your own and their definitions?
Writing Conventions Practice: PARTS OF SPEECH! DIRECTIONS: Copy the sentence and mark the nouns (n), verbs (v), adjective (adj) and adverbs (adv).
Writing Conventions Practice: REMINDER: NOUNS: are people, places, things, and ideas (friendship, building, shopping mall, etc.) ACTION VERBS: are the “do” parts of speech-they explain what something or someone (the noun) does, do, or did… (running, run, ran)
ADJECTIVES: modify a noun by describing it and they usually come right before or after a noun (grey house, wrinkled face) ADVERBS: tell where, when, how or how much something happens (I ran quickly…) (Yesterday, I swam...) (Yesterday, I swam...)
Writing Conventions Practice: 1.Heliotropes, bright and vibrant, may slowly wither in a dark room without windows.
Writing Conventions Practice: 1. (n) (adj) (adj) Heliotropes, bright and vibrant (adv.) (v.) (adj.) (adv.) (v.) (adj.) may slowly wither in a dark (n.) (n.) (n.) (n.) room without windows.
Writing Conventions Practice: The dead shrub, wilted and The dead shrub, wilted and thirsty, suddenly received enough sunlight in the tropics to flourish.
Writing Conventions Practice: (adj) (n) (adj) (adj) (n) (adj) The dead shrub, wilted and (adj) (adv) (v) thirsty, suddenly received (adv) (n) (n) (adv) (n) (n) enough sunlight in the tropics (v) (v) to flourish.