Common Core State Standards
Evaluation and the Common Core Using Evaluation Instruments Learning Goals with Scales
FINDING RESOURCES ONLINE PowerPoint presentations, handouts and online supports related to the following presentations at the summer 2012 Common Core Technical Assistance sessions are available online. Resources related to: Day 2 general session on “Evaluation and the Common Core” Day 2 concurrent sessions on “Learning Goals, Scales, and Learning Activities”
PowerPoints PowerPoints for both presentations are posted on the Florida School Leaders website under EVALUATION RESOURCES: Sign in on to the website and navigate to the Learning Library. The PowerPoints will found in the section on Evaluation Resources
Evaluation Handouts Handouts cited during the General Session on “Evaluation and the Common Core” are located at the Florida School Leaders website. After signing on to the site, navigate to EVALUATION RESOURCES. Handouts on using district evaluation instruments to focus reflection and feedback on standards based instruction are posted there.
Learning Goals Supports The online module on “Learning Goals, Scales and Learning Activities” is posted on multiple websites: CPALMS Florida School Leaders Start with Success
Learning Goals Repository The Florida Learning Goals Repository for Florida educators sharing resources related to learning goals is located on the CPALMS website.
Continued Learning Access to additional tools and resources that support effective use of district evaluation instruments that are aligned with the contemporary research embedded in the Florida Accomplished Educator Practices (FEAPs) and Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS) may be found at the websites noted in this PowerPoint.