Audit of Adherence to RAH Policy on Pre-Operative Cardiovascular and Oral Hypoglycaemics Medication in Elective Theatre Patients Sam Ley & Eilidh McGinnigle
OUTLINE Summary of pre-operative routine medication policy Our Question Method Results Conclusion & discussion Limitations & future plans Your Questions
POLICY SUMMARY Continue everything except: Hypoglycaemic agents in fasting patients Adjust insulin regimens Stop MAOIs Advance decisions required for: Anticoagulants/antiplatelets Lithium HRT/COCP
QUESTION Do elective patients admitted before the day of surgery comply with the RAH preoperative medication policy regarding cardiovascular and oral hypoglycaemic agents?
STUDY POPULATION Admitted before day of surgery Oral hypoglyaemics Any CV medication excluding antiplatelet/anticoagulants Elective hip/knee replacement Elective cystoscopic procedures Elective laparotomy
METHOD Audit over 5 weeks Age/procedure/co-morbidity Class of drug Deviations Reasons Adverse Events
RESULTS SUMMARY Cardiac51/140 (36%) 33 Cystoscopy 7 Hips 11 Knees Diabetic16 (11%) 12 Cystoscopy 2 Hips 2 Knees Missing data13/153 (8.5%)
RESULTS POLICY DEVIATIONS Cardiac patients (51)1 ? reason (BB & CCB) 1 mis-prescribed (BB) Diabetic patients (16)1 patient self medicated DOCUMENTED ADVERSE OUTCOMES Nil
CONCLUSION Do elective patients admitted before the day of surgery comply with the RAH preoperative medication policy regarding cardiovascular and oral hypoglycaemic agents? (YES)
LIMITATIONS Missing data Relatively small data set Elective cases only No general surgical patients
INCIDENTAL OBSERVATIONS Protocol only displayed on Ward 26 Ward medical staff unaware of it Nurses are fully aware Conflicts with ENHANCED RECOVERY PROTOCOL No mention of new hypoglycaemic agents
ENHANCED RECOVERY PROTOCOL Developed at GJNH by elective ortho team Premedication Routine medication Anaesthetic technique Peri-operative analgesia REFERENCE: McDonald DA et al, An enhanced recovery programme for primary total knee arthroplasty in the UK-followup atone year, Knee (2011), doi: /j.knee
POINTS FOR DISCUSSION New hypoglycaemic medications Stents and antiplatelet therapy ERP
FUTURE PLANS ?Review of protocol FY1 teaching session Re-audit?