Monday PS Last Day before Rube is due Finish up about movement at plate boundaries
Due this week Rube Goldberg project tomorrow Test on the earth and plate tectonics Thursday Review of rubes Friday or next Tuesday
Big Questions Why and how did the continents move? What is plate tectonics
Make Sure you have Videos in a transferable form Photos ed Builders- 1 run through with explanation Best run caught on tape Drawers- A transferable copy (if powerpoint) Sturdy posterboard me picture Writers-Typed list of actions
Rube Connections to Physics –Sentences –Detail description Calculations Equation Data Show calculations Units
Rube Performance part questions Connections to physics questions Calculation questions Show equation, values and work All but the calculations typed, printed neatly
Equations needed Use a value to the nearest tenth
Plate Boundary motion Wrap up exercise Review if needed
Types of Plate Boundaries
Question on Homework See smart notes on boundary
New homework Predict the arrangement of the continents in the future Given information on the motion of plates, areas of subduction
Earth Fundamentals How old Shape Temperature, Pressure, density Layers –Inner Core –Outer Core –Mantle Lower Mantle Asthenosphere Lithosphere
Plate Tectonics Layers, continued Crust Oceanic Continental Hydrosphere Atmosphere Magnetosphere Aurora Borealis
To sum up Pangaea-Panthalassa Continental Drift- Alfred Wegener Cause of motion- Plate Tectonics Convection Interactions between plates Diverging Boundaries Sea floor Spreading Creation of Plates Rift Valleys
Review Converging boundaries Subduction zone Destruction of plates 3 different scenarios Volcanic activity Mountain building Microplate Terranes Transform boundaries Move past each other No overlap Earthquakes no volcanoes