Anime & Manga Society Club meeting #1 9/13/2005
Introductions Tell us your: –Name/ nickname –Major/ interest –What you want to get out of this club. –Any additional info.
Basics Club meetings –Every other Tuesday, room 129 from 4:30pm-6pm Website – Events –UNR Shadows –Art contest –Screenings
UNR Shadows Background –3 rd year –Admission $3.00/ UNR Students free –Cosplay, games, crafts, Japanese music & vendors Budget –Requested :$2, –Received: $1, Volunteering
Other events Art Contest Screenings
Potential topics for Meetings PowerPoint Anime Manga Drawing Event prep Costume making Contests (all were choosen to be covered in the future)
Today’s info. Budget –Fundraising ideas –Promotional ideas Rightstuf Promo Concepts to cover in the future –Styles (Is there one or two or more styles of manga?) –History (Is it depicted right? How can anime be used to understand it?) –Basic culture (What's fake?) –Japanese language (when translating goes wrong) –Yaoi & Yuri (is it hentai or a cultural revolution?)
Movies Shown Maburaho Chromatin High School episode 1
Last requests Turn in rightstuf promo sheet Attendance sheet Questions/ Comments! Next meeting Tuesday 27 th !