Scotland My name is Jessica and this is my power point on Scotland!!!
Location of Scotland Scotland is located in United Kingdom along with England, Wales and 1/6 th of Ireland (northern Ireland). It is in western Europe.
Capital of Scotland The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Edinburgh is UNESCO’s first City of Literature and its old and new towns are a world Heritage site. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Edinburgh is UNESCO’s first City of Literature and its old and new towns are a world Heritage site.
Official Languages Scotland’s official language is English, Gaelic and Scots. Scotland’s official language is English, Gaelic and Scots.
Prime Minister Of Scotland The Prime Minister of Scotland is David Cameron MP. The Prime Minister of Scotland is David Cameron MP.
Area of Scotland Area of Scotland The area of Scotland is exactly 78,772 km² (30,414 sq mi) Wow that’s amazing!!! The area of Scotland is exactly 78,772 km² (30,414 sq mi) Wow that’s amazing!!!
Population Of Scotland The population of Scotland is around 5.2 million National Records Of Scotland.
Largest City In Scotland The largest city in Scotland is Glasgow. The Waverley, the world's last ocean going paddle steamer was built in 1947 by A & J Ingles on the River Clyde.
The National Flower The national flower is a thistle. The thistle is found worldwide, but its origins are in the Mediterranean and it thrives in dry, sunny locales. The national flower is a thistle. The thistle is found worldwide, but its origins are in the Mediterranean and it thrives in dry, sunny locales.
Money And Currency The currency in Scotland is not different from the rest of the United Kingdom in that it is also consists of British Pounds (£), although Scottish banks print their own versions.
The Longest River In Scotland The longest river is Tay 193 Kilometres (120 miles) long.
Scotland's Traditional Dish Scotland’s traditional dish is Haggis. Haggis is sheep tummy and it is sheep's organs and insides of a sheep. Scotland’s traditional dish is Haggis. Haggis is sheep tummy and it is sheep's organs and insides of a sheep.
Anthem Song Of Scotland The anthem song of Scotland is called Flower Of Scotland.
Scotland's Traditions Halloween Bag Pipes Highland Games
Official Animal The official Animal is a Unicorn The official Animal is a Unicorn
Map Of Scotland This is the map of Scotland
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