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Presentation transcript:

Misc.sex Guy partsGirl Stuff Birds & Bees Advanced Reproduction

What is sex for?

To create offspring (to reproduce).

How soon can you find out that you are pregnant?

There are very sensitive pregnancy tests that you can buy that can show a positive result in as little as two weeks.

How long is female fertile each month?

There is a time period of hours where the sperm can meet the egg in the Fallopian tube

Can males menstruate?

No. They do not have a womb!

How do frogs have sex?

The male gets on top of the female and helps her to lay the eggs into the water. The sperm is secreted on top of the eggs. This is called external reproduction.

What is the purpose of the penis?

The purpose of the penis is to deliver the sperm into the vagina where it can swim to its destination (the egg) in the Fallopian tube.

Why are there so many sperm in the semen?

There are many sperm because most die on the journey to the egg.

Can a man have a child at 95?

Absolutely! Males produce sperm their whole lives, starting at puberty.

Can a man still father a child if he has had a vasectomy (operation where the vas deferens (sperm delivery tube) is cut.

Yes. It is possible to remove sperm from the testes since it is still functional. This process is called sperm aspiration.

Do you need to have a penis to have a child?

No. The purpose of the penis is to deliver sperm but if the testes is functional, IVF could be used.

What is the purpose of the womb (endometrium)?

The purpose of the womb is to grow the fetus from a cluster of cells to a baby. It is home to the fetus until delivery.

Why do girls menstruate (bleed) for a few days every month?

If a female does not get pregnant, the blood lining of the womb is not needed and sheds.

Where in the female does the sperm and egg meet?

They meet in the fallopian tube.

How does the birth control pill work?

It tricks the body into thinking that it is pregnant and it won’t release the egg.

How does the body know when to release the egg from the ovary?

A hormone called LH is sent from the brain to the ovary to release the egg.

Do plants have sex?

Many plants do but they need to involve other things like the wind or pollinators such as birds or bees to take the pollen to the egg.

Is it true that flowers can have sex with themselves?

It is true that many flowers have male and female parts - they are hermaphrodites.

I planted a cherry tree and it is not bearing fruit - why?

Cherry trees reproduce in pairs and so there needs to be another cherry tree nearby to get fruit.

What part of the anatomy is the fruit (apple, cherry, etc)?

The fruit is the plant version of the womb.

What is the purpose of fruit? The trees do not seem to need them. I often see trees with rotten fruit underneath them.

The fruit covers the seed and creatures eat the fruit and excrete (poop) the seed away from the parent tree with automatic fertilizer.

What is IVF?

IVF, In Vitro Fertilization is when medical personnel put eggs & sperm together to create a fertilized egg which will be implanted in the mother.

Is IVF the only option for couples that are having trouble becoming pregnant?

If the husband has a low sperm count, intra-uterine sperm transfer is possible.

Is it possible to make a human child without the involvement of another person?

Theoretically (it’s not legal) but you can form a clone of yourself by taking the nucleus of any cell and placing into an egg cell.

What is a surrogate mother?

A surrogate mother is someone who carries a fetus for someone who has something wrong with their uterus. This was featured in the movie “Baby Mama”

If a surrogate mother is used, who is considered the “real” mother - the biological mother (owner of the egg) or the person who carried the child?

That is a very good question - the biological mother is usually considered the mother but the surrogate mother may have visiting rights if agreed upon.