Understanding the TMDL and I-Plan process Austin’s water quality & possible solutions Improving Austin Streams process and your involvement Welcome!
Working Together for Clean Water Stakeholders and the TCEQ Total Maximum Daily Load Program
Some of our water is not as good as we would like
The Law requires us to ask… ▪ What are the problems? ▪ How bad are they? ▪ How can the be corrected?
TMDL: Total Maximum Daily Load ▪ How much is too much?
Detective Work ▪ How bad is the problem? ▪ Where is it coming from?
We Work Together on the Fix
Implementation Plan ▪ Developed by YOU, the stakeholders
The I-Plan outlines a solution ▪ What we found out from the TMDL ▪ What we can do about it
The Community decides ▪ We believe in the wisdom and strength of the community to address its own problems
We work the plan out together ▪ Many solutions are voluntary ▪ Implemented over time ▪ Progress is measured
We’re with you TCEQ TMDL Team
E. coli as a fecal indicator Contact Recreation Standard set by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Measure potential for fecal contamination, not actual presence of pathogens Long-term measure of conditions, not an assessment of human risk
Sources of Fecal Contamination Domestic animals (dogs, cats, chickens) Leaking wastewater infrastructure Wildlife (deer, bird, racoon, etc.) Humans defecating in creeks Failing homeowner septic tanks
Taylor Slough South Spicewood Trib to Shoal Waller Creek (upstream of 15 th ) Walnut Creek
Management Measures Riparian Zone Restoration Wastewater Infrastructure Maintenance Domestic Pet Waste Education Resident Outreach Stormwater Treatment
Improving Austin Streams Coordination Committee ▪ 13 members representing interests identified by citizens at meetings this past winter ▪ Formed four workgroups, which brought back five sets of management measures ▪ Developed the draft I-Plan ▪ Wants your comments and input now ▪ Wants your help in implementing the plan
For tonight: √ Please sign in and get background information √ At the watershed map, put a dot where you live √ Visit tables to learn more, get answers to your questions, provide comments and volunteer to help Strategy tables Talk with Coordination Committee & City Staff Wastewater Infrastructure Stormwater Treatment Public Land Management Resident Activities TMDL/Water Quality Central Table Submit questions and comments Volunteer to improve Austin- area water quality
What’s next? ▪ Coordination Committee reviews your comments and makes changes to the I-Plan (responses to comments will be online) ▪ Draft I-Plan goes to TCEQ ▪ Formal comment period on I-Plan and TMDL ▪ Coordination Committee makes additional changes ▪ Implementation ▪ Yearly reviews of progress, and adjustment