Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, 06 1 TC status. Flavio Gatti UNIVERSITY and INFN of Genoa, Italy
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, 06 2 TC Final Design A PLASTIC SUPPORT STRUCTURE ARRANGES THE SCINTILLATOR BARS AS REQUESTED THE BARS ARE GLUED ONTO THE SUPPORT INTERFACE ELEMENTS ARE GLUED ONTO THE BARS AND SUPPORT THE FIBRES FIBRES ARE GLUED AS WELL TEMPORARY ALUMINIUM BEAMS ARE USED TO HANDLE THE DETECTOR DURING INSTALLATION PTFE SLIDERS WILL ENSURE A SMOOTH MOTION ALONG THE RAILS PM-Scintillator Coupling Scintillator Housing BC404-Scintillator slab Main Support ladder Board & cabling PM APD APD F.E. Board Scintillating Fibers (Phi Counter) APD Cooled Support Item to be constructed. Item prototyped & method of constr tested Item ready.
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, 06 3 The construction of the TC is uncoventional (no screw, nonmetals) large use of glue, epoxies at the interface of variuos materials APD AOD F.E. card Water Cooled APD suppport
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, 06 4 Scintillator bars of BC404 have been produced
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, 06 5 A sample of BC404 bar and the plastics housing
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, 06 6 PM & Discriminator Card PM delivered with useful measured parameters Selection on gain and Q.E. is needed: highest gain-> inner side of COBRA, match the Q.E. for both PMs of the bar in order to meet the 100ps FWHM requirement over the full length. Discriminator cards design need for a test with DRS, but we are providing for a test with Digital Oscilloscope in the present run in frascati. Must be finalized soon: delivery 3 months later.
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, 06 7 Production scheme of Scintilating Fibers tested: Hot forming with and without jacket. √ Test for light losses, i.e., trapping efficiency. √ Test of several diffusing or reflecting jacket. √ Coupling to the APD via EPOTEK H √
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, 06 8 APD F.E. card: Front-end prototype for APD under test Final prototypes construction will start soon, by 15th of february Final production: 3 weeks after acceptance. Same schedule for patch panels (concentrator boards) and mezzanine for VME-VPC board. FPGA CODE (V1.01) ready. Soon will start the evaluation process that will take 1 months 8 Ch APD F.E. Card Concentrator Card
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, x 8x Geneal view of the APD electronics and cabling
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, N2 bag N2 bag N2 bag will be built in house, after negative results of production tests performed in several companies N2 bag will be built in house, after negative results of production tests performed in several companies We obtained a special production of 0.25 mm tick EVAL T foil (the best on the shelf) in a sandwich of two PE foils We obtained a special production of 0.25 mm tick EVAL T foil (the best on the shelf) in a sandwich of two PE foils Construction of mockup with machined resinsConstruction of mockup with machined resins The foils will be formed on the mockup and assembled by thermo-welding or epoxy: these joints are successfully testedThe foils will be formed on the mockup and assembled by thermo-welding or epoxy: these joints are successfully tested Construction will start after the completion of the first TC (middle of march)Construction will start after the completion of the first TC (middle of march)
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, Monitor of Partial pressure of He inside the N2 Bag: Use of low cost He detectors capable to work at high inlet pressure (already orderer) Design of the whole system is just started Blocks of resins to be used in the mockup construction
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, CalibrationLaser Purposes: MONITORING of 1.timing sync. Of TC bars, 2.timing sync TC-LXe, 3.timing resolution of TC Requirements: 10 picosecond pulse laser at 532 nm (TC) and 266 nm (LXe) Repetition rate adjustable in the Hz range. Sync out with low jitter (<5ps). Power requirements (-> define the cost) 1.Single bar test: 405nm, 5mW, 100ps laser -> final ph/pulse 2.Loss at fiber injection: 10^-4, bar acceptance: 0.01, Q.E., averall optical transmission: 0.1 (total about 10^-7) -> 1 W laser. Results of the investigations: Nd:YVO 1064nm, frequency converter to 532nm (2HG) for the TC and 266nm (4HG) for the LXe. The INFN is committed in providing funding for the LASER (about 100KE): the final decision will be taken next week
Flavio Gatti,Frascati-PSI, Jan 31 th, Status of the schedule Final Test of BTF: -> Jan 27/Feb 3 (components), March 27/April 3, (TC#1), June 1/12 (TC#2) Delivery at PSI: -> TC#1 may, 5 th ; TC#2, Jun 24 th. PM: Selection by February, 15 th. ladder socket ready final production of Discr./splitter, 3 months after test with DRS. APD electronics: prototypes ready for Jan,15 th. Validation test:20 days- Final production: March 15 th FPGA SW (first Vers.) Jan,15 th, Final version after TC test: May, 15 th. TC bag: design ready, material ready. delivery,april 26 th. Laser: Design ready. 50 fibers, low time jtter (10 um), and fiber-injector already ordered. Delivery: after 3 months from the order (->may, 29th) He Monitor system (->may, 29th)