Image source: Microsoft clip art
Reduce Use refillable containers and avoid purchasing small water bottles. Operate electric cars instead of a vehicle with a combustible engine to reduce air pollution. Use fabric bags for groceries instead of plastic to reduce to demand for petroleum based products.
Reuse Hand down clothing to others or buy from a second hand to in order to minimize cost and production of petroleum based synthetic fibers. Cardboard can be repurposed to be used in mailing or packing boxes. Reuse plastic bags. Newspapers can be used in landscaping to impede weed growth.
Recycle Steel and aluminum cans are very costly to manufacturer and to the environment, yet are easy and inexpensive to recycle. Tires can be recycled by shredding them and using them in playgrounds and for mulching in flowerbeds. Cardboard and paper products can be broken down and new paper made from the fibers, instead of more forests havng to be cut down.