punctuation patterns MADE EASY
A little review… ‘sen(t) ₔ ns/ A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, a unit of thought. Rachel works out every day.
/kloz/ A CLAUSE is a unit of grammatical organization which contains subject and predicate. two types independent (main clause) Rachael exercises. Dependent (subordinate clause) Because she wants to stay healthy
Why Punctuate
Punctuation Can Save Lives Let’s eat grandpa. Let’s eat, grandpa.
Punctuation Can Prevent Confusion Woman without her man is a savage Woman, without her man, is a savage Woman! Without her, man is a savage
But first a word about… the “pause” folk tale. The period The comma The semi colon
1. My Bosswarned me about being late. Subject + verb (.)
2. My boss warned me about being late; he didn’t fire me. Subject + verb (;) subject + verb (.)
3. Subject + verb (,) for subject + verb (.) and nor but or yet so My boss warned me about being late,but he didn’t fire me. f a n b o y s
4. My boss warned me about being late; however, he didn’t fire me. Subject + verb (;) therefore (,) subject + verb (.) however nevertheless consequently furthermore for example thus
5. Although Subject + verb (,) Subject + verb (.) Since If When While Because After Whenever As long as Even before Although my boss warned me about being late,he didn’t fire me.
6. Subject + verb although subject + verb (.) since if when while because after whenever during even before My boss didn’t fire mealthough he warned me about being late.
7. Subject (,) a wealthy banker (,) verb (.) his heart beating wildly on the other hand My boss,a compassionate person,didn’t fire me.
8. Subject + verb (:) A, B, C (.) My boss gave me some gifts:a phone, an Ipad, a watch, and a book.
9. The “Quotation Mark” “You’re fired,”he said. He said,“you’re fired." “You,”he said,“are fired.” Who said that you’re fired? Who said,“you’re fired”? Who said,“were you fired?”