Energy-saving laptop As being a student I often use my laptop in so many different ways. It's like my own assistant that helps me to search for useful information, making notes, communicate with friends, teachers and so on. With the help of it I do my researches, homework and practice my English. Sometimes I faced with the problem of stranded battery and in some situations I have no ways to charge it.
I had an idea to develop the laptop that will save energy with you help while you are using it. Egor. Dj. I like that idea. I’t would be awesome. I’m writing a music and some times while I’m not at home I can always be sure that my laptop won’t turn off when I have muse of new songs. Elena. Photographer. That’s sounds great. I often works outdoors and need a laptop to edit photos right on the place where I am. Saving the battery it’s very useful for me.
Sasha. Student. I often encounter with that problem while I’m on the lecture. Typing the keyboards at that time will take care of my battery and I’ll have all my notes clear. Max. Manager. I often have a long time flights and while I’m on the plane I try To use that time to write some work reports but not always I can Because of the low energy. That laptop will solve that king of Problem for me. Konstantin. Mc. That’s really good. I’m spending a lot of my time in the net Communicating with my friends and just for fun. I want to do it in Any time and any place. But without energy I can’t. So for me it Would be a great machine.
At the semi-final I want to have an interview with the founder of Apple company – Mr. Steve Jobs. I chose him because for me Apple company is the most creative and high development corporation. I think that if someone could make that energy-saving laptop it would be only Apple.
questions: What do you think about such energy- saving laptop? Is it possible? If there any way to develop wireless charge? What were you dreaming about when you were a kid? Did you follow your dream? Are you still following it?