1 "On PD-->SNuMI-->PP2-->NoVA transition" {VS} Bob Zwaska Accelerator Physics Department Meeting Jan. 10, 2007 ≠
2 Yes: More changes Proton Plan 2 is being absorbed into the NOvA project May retain the name “Proton Plan 2” PP2 work is being carved up (next slide) Hopefully, schedule will not be significantly affected by the merger Budget looks comparable to existing plans “SNuMI” still refers to inclusion of the Accumulator in the chain Not part of NOvA – a little off the radar screen
3 Pieces of PP2 Booster work goes to Proton Plan (1) Not very much Civil work goes to GPP Always need more service buildings and penetrations Everything else goes into NOvA Split between construction (MIE) and R&D or operating costs MIE is the price tag of interest: $ M (TEC?)
4 Organization Nancy becomes Associate Project Manager There is already a deputy PP2 becomes two Level 2s in the NOvA WBS Level 1s split along the R&D/Ops vs. construction Nancy and Elaine in charge of the PP2 L2s Don’t think there are any level 1 managers All documentation needs to be merged with NOvA and brought to Project standards Hopefully, it is all the same at lower levels\ No technical changes
5 NOvA 1.0 NON-MIE Accelerator & NuMI Beamline Upgrades Nancy & Elaine Bob & Rob Recycler Upgrades Paul Derwent Main Injector Upgrades Ioanis Kourbanis NuMI Upgrades Michael Martens Kamran Vaziri (RSC) 1.04 Beam Physics Robert Zwaska 1.1 Far Site & Building R&D 1.2 Scintillator1.3 Fiber1.4…1.10 Project Management
6 NOvA 2.0 MIE Accelerator & NuMI Beamline Upgrades Nancy & Elaine Bob & Rob Recycler Upgrades Paul Derwent Main Injector Upgrades Ioanis Kourbanis NuMI Upgrades Michael Martens Kamran Vaziri (RSC) 2.1 Far Site & Building R&D 2.2 Scintillator2.3 Fiber2.4…2.10 Project Management
7 Staying on Schedule PP2 (then SNuMI) DR in Nov. will substitute for CD-1 review Requires some cleanup of documentation (mostly done) Then, many more reviews Still plan to do first round of installs in Oct., 2009 (or whenever available)
8 NOvA/PP2 Merger
9 Plan Ahead After a lot of initial worry, PP2 looks to be fine Extra headaches, as usual Few serious changes to project Still need to do a lot of work Will use division resources Physicists are (again) asked to get involved No cost to project – by some accounting “SNuMI” will have to be something completely separate