Protecting Children from Harm: What Practice Model Will Work & How Do We Build & Deliver It? Colin Green – Director Of Children’s Services Coventry City.


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Presentation transcript:

Protecting Children from Harm: What Practice Model Will Work & How Do We Build & Deliver It? Colin Green – Director Of Children’s Services Coventry City Council April 2009

Aims of the Session What is wrong with the CP system To take a systemic view To present an organisational model What is needed to improve? How do we build and deliver an effective practice model?

What is wrong with the CP system? Serious systems failures still occur Procedural & target driven approach has made system safer for agencies but how effective for children and YP? We have mostly ensured a baseline of practice but does it promote excellence? The approach is very expensive but is it VFM? We can show we follow procedures but why are the same errors repeated as shown in SCRs? We keep children safe in care but why could we not prevent so many being developmentally impaired? Is it child & young person centred?

A Systemic View Systemic – what is meant CP/CIN an open system –e.g. procedural change changes the task, Assessment Framework changes structures, who gets blamed when a child dies changes the system.

An Organisational Model Guiding Philosophy, Values & Beliefs Charterers – the people who give an organisation its purpose The Environment Purpose Mission Objectives Structure Work PeopleReward Decision & Information Processes FIT Results Achieved

The Model and CP System Role of Charterers Purpose – are we clear? Mission – do we have it? Objectives – clear & understood? Philosophy, Values & Beliefs - Culture

Organisational Design – Work & Structure The Work –We need to know what it is –ECM – does it define the work clearly enough? Structure –Consistent with purpose & objectives –Reflects the task –Accountability clear –Effective leadership key –Gives clarity on tasks, roles and responsibilities

Rewards Rewards - What motivates? –Value client contact –Value the skills RIP shows deliver –Value the work – making a difference to children and families –Pay & status

Decision & Information Processes Very highly developed but do they –Develop analysis? –Enable autonomy in practice? –Focus on users? –Help audit the outcomes? –Give Information on performance? –Promote learning and not blame? –Fit with people, rewards, the work and the structures?

People - right people, knowledge, skills, capabilities and experience Human Factors – grossly underdeveloped –Why questions about behaviour not asked –Impact of organisational change and transition management –Procedures fit for people to implement –Staffing levels –Training and competence –Autonomy –Expect error –Compliance with safety critical procedures –Learn or blame –Communications

Fitting it Together Take a systemic view Be clear on purpose Use the research & knowledge base Learn from others Invest in all elements

What needs to change? Systemic view Rebalance to focus on people Focus on outcomes Focus on practice – what is done with children, YP & their families – stop meeting the 10 pitfalls Practice is evidence based Practice is relationship based Practice is multi-disciplinary Practice is reflective and based on “thinking about” the child/family SW as lead professional needs to be knowledgeable, skilled and competent within multi-disciplinary team Knowledge and method needs to be embedded in SW professional training not a procedure manual Organisations capable of supporting this approach

Is anyone doing this? Hackney - Reclaiming Social Work Model –Values based –Systemic –Focus on task – clarity of purpose –Clarity of method – evidence based –People focus in Multi-disciplinary teams –Clarity of roles and authority/decision making –Evaluation and learning built in

What can we do about it Never ask for more guidance Focus on practice and outcomes Advocate with DCSF for fuller development of systemic ECM specialist model Promote SW as a professional discipline Recognise how weak the professional base has become Case studies of success Develop critique of procedurally based practice Articulate alternative models of practice based on values and professional competence