Let's Review Types of Communities: Rural Urban Suburban
Are the pictures in the correct column? Rural Urban Suburban
Find the Commons in an Urban Community building sign car road air sidewalk
Find the Commons in an Urban Community motorcycle statue trees building clouds sign road
Find the Commons in an Urban Community trees grass lake talking air building library sidewalk flag air
Find the Commons in a Suburban Community playground rules dirt trees air talking
Find the Commons in a Suburban Community boat air rocks clouds buoy bridge dock
Find the Commons in a Suburban Community backpack dirt trees sunshine trail air
Find the Commons in a Rural Community people river mountain log grass air clouds trees
Find the Commons in a Rural Community trees grass air fence telephone poll plants barn
Find the Commons in a Rural Community house grass sunshine hills land sheep air
Citations Rural Urban Suburban Photos http://www.longwood.k12.ny.us/longsmart3.html Paris Monument Photo www.armchairgeneral.com/forums/showthread.php...Central <http://www.armchairgeneral.com/forums/showthread.php...Central> Park Photo <http://www.nycvp.com/NYCVP/CentralPark.jpg> Ny Public Library <http://classicist.blogs.com/weblog/images/NY_Public_Library.jpg> Pierce Park Picture www.new-bern.nc.us/.../PierceParkPlayground.JPG Teatown Lake Picture <http://www.mvinquirer.com/index_6.jpg> Adirondack Lake <http://phlogthat.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/hidden-lake-in-adirondacks.jpg> Muscoot Farm <http://pics4.city-data.com/cpicc/cfiles27288.jpg> Family Farm <http://www.thefamilyfarm.net.nz/images/08.jpg>