Name of Artifact: Personal Statement Project Date: March 30, 2013 Course: EDUC 101 Brief Description: In this power point we explore how to use a different, creative, and new ways of teaching to the newer generations by not only reflecting on ourselves as teachers but also our communities and classrooms. In doing so we hope to help students better understand content better by teaching it in different ways that they will understand. Rationale: As we explore standard 8: Instructional Strategies, we look at the ways us as teachers can better teach our students. We are exploring a better understanding of why students learn the way they do, and how to build off of that, and better apply the subject matter for them. STANDARD #8: INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES THE TEACHER UNDERSTANDS AND USES A VARIETY OF INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES TO ENCOURAGE LEARNERS TO DEVELOP DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF CONTENT AREAS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS, AND TO BUILD SKILLS TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE IN MEANINGFUL WAYS.
One major reason for why I want to become a teacher is simply to inspire students the way a select few of my former teachers inspired me. To let students find their true passions, and explore them I want to be able to give some student that same passion that my theatre teacher gave me to simply be on stage, and love to perform. To teach students the skills they need to succeed within the arts and also to be able to give students opportunities to let their talents be shown within the arts. Since I'm not sure which area of the arts I want to teach in the idea of also being able to show a student how therapeutic art can be is a very big part of why I want to teach. We are teachers we are suppose to inspire our students to do what they love and in return want to give others that kind of passion. WHY DO I WANT TO TEACH? WELL…
When thinking about the topic of an effective teacher, I think as an individual I possess quite a few traits that are beneficial to the teaching profession. These traits include: Confidence Creativity Organization True compassion for my students Patience Taking pride in my students work (even the smallest achievement is a big one) True passion for what I am doing EFFECTIVE TEACHER TRAITS
Many people have this idea that teaching is just a one way street, that it is all on the teacher and the student just needs to sit there and sit back what the teacher wants to hear While many teachers would say they would love that, we cant sit and do that because students are not learning any thing. The fact of the matter is that students have to put in an effort when it comes to school as well. True they may not be getting paid by the school to do so like the teacher but the teacher and student are putting forth different and similar efforts in the classroom. STUDENT CHARACTERISTICS
The traits that I would want to see in my students would include: True Charisma A good & positive attitude (but I know everyone has their days) Determination in the classroom Self-Discipline Not being afraid to ask questions (no question is a stupid question) And open mind to new and exciting ways of learning Creativity All of these and more are examples of my ideal students STUDENT CHARACTERISTICS
Now being a teacher we must be content teaching just about anywhere. But we all know that we have our ideal town, school, classroom, students, and all of that in our heads. Its our ideal community to teach in, and we can have a goal to reach but we will have to start somewhere. My ideal community would have the following characteristics: A community that works with its teachers and comes up with solutions to better their children’s educations. Have a leader that actually looks out for the well-being of all people, and actually care for their citizens. Have parents that are happy to volunteer and help the schools so their kids teachers can do all they can to make sure their students are getting all the attention they need in the classroom. Have a community that not only thinks in the here and now, but thinks to the future and comes up with ways they can help the community in the future so the burden wont fall on the younger generations. A community that truly cares about their children and their educations. COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS
Being a teacher of course I want to be able to contribute towards the next generation becoming successful and all that stereotypical things that a freshman in an 100 course would say. But the honest truth is I want to inspire someone so much that they want to go to college and become a teacher as well, so that way they can turn around and inspire more people. I want them to say that as their teacher, I inspired them so much and showed them and gave them a pathway into something that they are truly passionate about. And that they want to give another student that same passion, to truly start a cycle of education. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PROFESSION
Eaton, Dr. Sarah Elaine (2012, August 21). 10 Characteristics of Community Leaders m/2012/08/21/10- characteristics-of-community- leaders/ m/2012/08/21/10- characteristics- REFERENCE PAGE