Moderators: Stacy Vynne, Climate Leadership Initiative Ethan Rosenthal, David Evans and Associates, Inc. Panel Members: Greg Addington, Director, Klamath.


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Presentation transcript:

Moderators: Stacy Vynne, Climate Leadership Initiative Ethan Rosenthal, David Evans and Associates, Inc. Panel Members: Greg Addington, Director, Klamath Water Users Association Ken Bierly, Deputy Director, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Nathan Jackson, Executive Director, Klamath Watershed Partnership Terry Fisk, Hydrologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Klamath Falls Office Integrating Climate Adaptation Planning and Watershed Assessments to Improve Community Engaged Watershed Management: A Case Study from the Klamath Basin, Oregon Oregon Water Conference, May 25, 2011

Straddles border of Oregon and California 15,571 Sq. Mile Drainage Basin Klamath River, 273 miles long Cuts through Cascade and Coastal Mountain Ranges Basin Overview

Klamath River Tributaries Upper Basin Williamson River Sprague River Wood River Lost River Basin Overview Williamson River Sprague River Lost River Wood River Shasta River Scott River Salmon River Trinity River Lower Basin Shasta River Scott River Salmon River Trinity River

Six dams on Klamath River, including Link River Dam at outlet of Upper Klamath Lake Additional dams on major tributaries. Basin Overview Removal of 4 of 5 dams proposed Link River Dam

Upper Klamath Basin

Williamson River Lost River Sprague River Upper Klamath River Upper Klamath Lake Upper Klamath Basin Watershed Assessments Process Started around 2004 Funded by: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) USFWS Klamath Basin Ecosystem Restoration Office (KBERO) Managed by: Klamath Watershed Partnership (formerly Klamath Basin Ecosystem Foundation and Klamath Watershed Council)

Williamson River Lost River Sprague River Upper Klamath River Upper Klamath Lake Upper Klamath Basin Watershed Assessments Assessments Completed to Date: Upper Williamson (2005) Upper Sprague (2009) Lower Sprague/Lower Williamson (2009) Upper Klamath Lake (2010) Available at:

Upper Klamath Basin Watershed Assessments Assessment Purpose 1: 1.Develop a technical document, with community input, documenting: Historic watershed conditions Current watershed conditions Channel habitat typing Hydrology and water use Wetland and riparian conditions Sediment sources Water quality Fish and fish habitat Restoration opportunities and data gaps

Upper Klamath Basin Watershed Assessments Assessment Purpose: 2.Involve stakeholders in voluntary community engaged watershed management Bring together private land owners, resource agency staff, NGO’s, and others Stakeholder meetings to identify important issues Field trips (public and private properties) Landowner interviews Stakeholder review of draft assessment report Presentation of final assessment report findings to stakeholders


Shortnose Sucker and Lost River Sucker (listed Endangered 1988) Fish Species of Cultural and Ecological Importance Habitat and Life History Adults reside in lakes, including Upper Klamath Lake and Lost River Reservoirs Migrate up streams and springs to spawn in gravels, then return to lakes Juveniles drift down to lake utilizing fringe wetlands for food and cover Threats Habitat loss and degradation Predation of juveniles by introduced species Water quality problem in lakes

Redband Trout Fish Species of Cultural and Ecological Importance Habitat and Life History Adults reside in lakes, including Upper Klamath Lake Migrate up streams to spawn in gravels, then return to lake Juveniles utilize river margins first, then utilize deeper/faster water as they mature Adults prefer water temps 55 to 65 deg. F, but can tolerate slightly warmer temps Threats Habitat loss and degradation Competition with introduced non-native trout species Water quality problems in lakes

Fish Species of Cultural and Ecological Importance Habitat and Life History Historically, resident and migratory forms Currently relegated to a few headwater streams in the basin Require water temps no greater than 59 to 64d o. F, 48 o F or colder for spawning Threats Habitat loss, degradation, and severe fragmentation Predation of juveniles by introduced non-native trout species Water quality problems, particularly temperature Bull Trout (listed threatened 1998)

Fish Species of Cultural and Ecological Importance Habitat and Life History Anadromous Historically present in portions of Upper Klamath Basin Cold water required for spawning Threats Dams on main stem Klamath River block migration to upper basin Recovery planning, including proposed dam removal, underway Habitat and water quality issues similar to other species Steelhead Trout and Chinook Salmon

Sample of Assessment Findings Extensive logging and overgrazing during early settlement Loss of channel habitat complexity and connectivity Degraded riparian habitats Altered geomorphic processes Water quality concerns nutrient loading of UKL elevated stream temperatures Unscreened water diversions (fish entrapment) Considerable past and current restoration efforts being carried out Improved restoration monitoring would be helpful

16 Climate High precipitation west side (50 to 90 in, forms deep snowpack) Elsewhere predominantly arid (9 to 25 in.) Hot dry summers Wet winters w/moderate to low temperatures Upper Basin Overview

17 “[The marsh is in] a sad state. Ranchers and livestock men were compelled to put down wells and otherwise provide water. Grasshoppers and rodents plagued the then dry marsh. It was possible to travel by saddle horse and automobile over much of the present marsh area.” -Description of Upper Klamath Marsh circa 1930




24 Water Quality –Nutrient Loading Upper Klamath Lake is hypereutrophic Large algal blooms lead to large swings in pH and very low D.O. ~60% of nutrient loading comes from lake sediments Phosphorous loading from draining perimeter wetlands Additional loading from tributaries (erosion, irrigation returns) UKL provides large source of irrigation water to Klamath Project Lost and Klamath River systems also experience algal blooms


Conflict in the Basin Water Management by Way of Lawsuits and Political Winds No one benefits, all sides stand to lose Uncertainty reigns Farmers vs Fisherman vs Refuges vs Fish vs Tribal Rights 2001 Water shut off to project irrigators, est. $79 million economic losses 2002 Water flows to river atypically low, massive fish die off (>33,000 adult salmonids) Oregon water rights adjudication in progress (Klamath Tribe vs other water users), who will be left with what?

27 Resolution and Restoration Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) and Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA) Draft agreements signed February 2010 Stakeholders (45 Organizations, Fed, States, Counties, Tribes, Irrigators, and Fishing and Conservation Groups) come together to shape the basins future Benefits for all during times of plenty Share the pain during times of difficulty Provide a greater sense of certainty

Planning and preparing for the uncertainty of climate change While major strides have been made to improve management and reduce competition over water resources, climate change will bring even greater stress with increased temperatures, loss of snowpack, and reduced and altered stream flows. How will natural systems evolve? How will communities adapt? What about funding availability and prioritization? How do we engage stakeholders? But Wait, There’s More… Ethan Rosenthal, David Evans and Associates, Inc: