This is a PowerPoint version of KSES Each slide is a chart from the 2009 publication, with the accompanying text included in the slide notes. Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2009
Population and Households: Source: General Register Office for Scotland Population/Households (thousands) Background
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Source: Scottish Government Scottish GDP at basic prices (2004=100) Background
Electricity generation by source: Source: Department for Energy and Climate Change Electricity generated (GigaWatt hours) Background
Motor traffic on all roads: Source: Department for Transport Million vehicle kilometres Background
Perceived significant environmental problems: 2008 Source: Scottish Government What is the most significant environmental problem? Other environmental problems? (percentage of respondents) Public Attitudes
Agreement or Disagreement with Statements about Climate Change and the Environment: 2008 Source: Scottish Government To what extent do you agree/disagree with each statement? (percentage of respondents) Public Attitudes
Annual Mean Temperature: Source: Met Office Annual mean temperature – difference from average (degrees Celcius) Global Atmosphere
Annual precipitation: Source: Met Office Annual precipitation as a percentage of average Global Atmosphere
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Source: National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory Greenhouse gas emissions taking account of emissions and removals (Mt CO 2 e) Global Atmosphere
Net Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Source: Source: National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory Greenhouse gas emissions taking account of emissions and removals (Mt CO 2 e) Global Atmosphere
Column ozone measurements: Source: AEA Energy and Environment Column ozone concentrations over Lerwick (Dobson units) Global Atmosphere
Particulate (PM 10 ) concentrations: Source: Scottish Air Quality Database Annual mean concentration (µg/m 3 ) Air Quality
Nitrogen dioxide concentrations: Source: Scottish Air Quality Database Annual mean concentrations (µg/m 3 ) Air Quality
Ground level ozone concentrations: Source: Scottish Air Quality Database Number of days exceeding 100µg/m 3 (maximum 8hr running mean) Air Quality
Emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from large combustion plants: Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Annual LCP emissions (thousand tonnes) Air Quality
Sensitive habitats affected by air pollution: to Source: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Percentage of sensitive habitat area affected by acid and nutrient nitrogen (N) deposition Air Quality
Public Water Supplies - Water abstracted and supplied : 2002/ /09 Source: Scottish Water Million litres per day (Ml/d) Water
Drinking water quality: Source: Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland Percentage of samples at consumer’s taps failing test Water
Nitrate concentrations in rivers: Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Distribution of mean nitrate concentrations, percentage of sites within each band Water
Orthophosphate concentrations in rivers: Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Distribution of mean orthophosphate concentrations, percentage of sites within each band Water
Compliance with EC bathing water directive (76/160/EEC): Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Percentage compliance of coastal bathing water Marine
Percentage of commercial continental shelf finfish stocks at full reproductive capacity: Source: Marine Scotland Science, ICES Percentage of fish stocks at full reproductive capacity Marine
Exposure of the population from all sources of radiation: 2003 Source: HPA – Radiation Protection Division Average annual dose in Scotland, 2,400 microsieverts Radioactivity
Activity concentrations in milk: Source: HPA – Radiation Protection Division Activity concentrations Radioactivity
Waste sent to landfill: Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Million tonnes Waste
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW): 2000/ /2009 Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Million tonnes Waste
Waste Recycling Behaviour: Source: Scottish Government (data), Ordnance Survey (map) Local Authority Boundaries - Ordnance Survey Boundary Line 2006 © Crown copyright All rights reserved Scottish Government. Licence number: Percentage of households surveyed , who reported recycling certain waste items in the past month Waste
Broad Habitat Change: Source: Countryside Survey 2007 Changes in the extents of the most widespread Broad Habitats (thousand hectares) Land
Derelict and Urban Vacant Land: Source: Scottish Government Area of Derelict and Urban Vacant Land (hectares) Land
Designated Areas: Source: Scottish Natural Heritage Area (thousand hectares ) Land
Agricultural Land Use: Source: Scottish Government Area (thousand hectares) Land
Fertiliser Application to Crops and Grass: Source: Scottish Government Overall application rate of fertiliser (kg/ha) Land
Area of Woodland: Source: Forestry Commission Area (thousand hectares) Land
Changes in Plant Species Richness: Source: Countryside Survey 2007 Mean number of vascular plant species per 1km square Biodiversity
Status of UK BAP Habitats in Scotland: 2008 Source: Biodiversity Action Reporting System (BARS) Fluctuating (probably stable) 8% Status of UK BAP Habitats Biodiversity Unknown 20% No clear trend 3% Declining (continuing/ accelerating) 3% Declining (slowing) 25% Fluctuating (probably declining) 5% Stable 20% Fluctuating (probably increasing) 3% Increasing 13%
Status of UK BAP Species in Scotland: 2008 Source: Biodiversity Action Reporting System (BARS) Status of UK BAP Species Biodiversity Increasing 4% Fluctuating (probably increasing) 1% Stable 22% Unknown 31% Not a true species 1% No clear trend 7% Lost (pre BAP Publication) 1% Lost (since BAP publication) 1% Declining (continuing/ accelerating) 7% Declining (slowing) 11% Fluctuating (probably declining) 4% Fluctuating (probably stable) 10%
Status of wild bird populations: Source: British Trust for Ornithology/ Joint Nature Conservation Committee/ Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust/ Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Advisory Group Index (1994 = 100) Biodiversity
Catches of wild salmon: Source: Marine Scotland Science Numbers caught (thousands) Biodiversity