1 Welcome Eddie Gulc e-Learning Adviser JISC RSC Eastern Making IT Happen in Sports & Leisure 24 November 2004 College of West Anglia
2 The Programme 10:30Welcome and Overview of the Day - Eddie Gulc, JISC RSC- Eastern, e-Learning Adviser/Will Pickford, RSC for London 10:45Using the NLN Materials - Andrew Edis, NLN Subject Mentor for Leisure and Sport - Including some hands-on work 11:40Coffee 11:50JISC Support for Sport & Leisure including Theresa Summerfield, ALTIS 12:10Ferl Resources for Sport & Leisure - Eddie Gulc 12:30Lunch
3 13:30 Visit to the Sports CoVE at the College of West Anglia 14:00Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Subject Centre, Nina Becket, Assistant Director, HE Academy Network 14:20Exploring Resources and Materials Creation - Practical hands- on session led by Will Pickford, Curriculum Advisor, JISC RSC for London. This session will cover the following: Using MS Word to create interactive learning materials, Mind Mapping, On-line assessment tools Using wed-based materials in learning assignments – producing resources (15:00 Tea/Coffee) 16:00Close The Programme (continued)
4 Workshop Objectives to have look at some of the e-resources that are currently available for Sport & Leisure NLN JISC Altis Ferl HEA Subject Centre to explore some of the tools you can use to create your own resources Word MindGenius Hot Potatoes to develop your knowledge, skills and e-magination, enabling you to embrace the use of new technologies to start to develop your own e-resources and appreciate how to integrate e-learning into your teaching to share experiences with other practitioners about the use of e- Learning to inspire students
5 e-Learning means using new multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning in other words, it is using technology and electronic resources to enhance what we are currently doing in the classroom it is about changing teaching practice to meet the needs of our learners So then, what exactly is e-Learning?
6 But what does this mean then? too many lessons are still being delivered in the ‘traditional’ manner; using traditional methods and traditional resources This presentation included a video clip that has been removed
7 And Finally Before you leave please remember to: complete your evaluation form and; hand this in with your delegate badge Thank you
8 Reading Audiovisual Discussion Practice by doing Teaching others/ Immediate use Demonstration Lecture Some common learning activities But just how effective are these?
9 How can technology help? DemonstrationReadingAudio-visualLecture Discussion Practice by doing Teach others/ Immediate use Use of appropriate e-Learning technology can help learners to learn better in all these situations
10 Getting started with e-Learning designing, creating and using effective e- resources and other e-activities is one way to get going. E-Learning helps… engage learners attention make learning interesting and fun provide a range of activities that students want to complete allow active learning to take place