World War One: Canada Prepares to Defend the Empire
Canada’s Reaction ► Former Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier stated, “Let the friends and foes of Britain know that there is in Canada but one mind and one heart, and that all Canadians stand behind the mother country, conscious and proud that she has engaged in this war to save civilization from the uncontrolled lust of conquest and power.” ► When Britain declared war on Germany on Aug. 4, 1914, Canada and the rest of the British Empire were automatically at war, too--Canada pledged soldiers – both French and English Canada seemed supportive
Early Stages of Preparation ► Canada was caught unprepared to fight a war so Prime Minister Robert Borden acted quickly ► Borden appointed Sam Hughes as Minister of the Militia to establish, organize and train a Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) Sam Hughes
► Hughes created a training base at Valcartier, Que. ► Of the 33,000 men assembled at Valcartier, the great majority were civilians without any previous training in warfare.
Sam Hughes: An Overview ► A general in Canada’s reserve army ► An energetic, determined organizer ► A very stubborn man Had a narrow-minded attitude towards black, native and French-Canadian soldiers Insisted that Can. soldiers be equipped with Ross Rifles which ended up being unsuitable for the wet, muddy battlefront Gave military supply contracts to friends – faulty equipment received Insisted on Macadam shovels for soldiers – didn’t work for soldiers – didn’t work
Ross Rifle ► It had a long barrel and was difficult to use in the trench's confined spaces, and it frequently jammed. ► It was a good weapon - on a firing range under controlled conditions. ► But the First Division's stand at Ypres in the face of a gas attack, Canadian soldiers threw away their Ross rifles in despair and frustration, and picked up weapons from dead British soldiers on the battlefield.
Macadam Shovels ► It was intended to be used as both a shield and a shovel. ► It was a complete failure: the handle was to short, the shovel to dull to dig with, the hole in the blade was to low to shoot through and worst of all it was not bullet proof
War Measures Act ► By passing this act, the government gave itself increased powers to: Censor publications, communications, photos Arrest, detain, exclude, deport persons Control harbours and movements of vessels Control transport of persons/things by land, air or water Control trade, production and manufacturing Seize and dispose of property
Combat Readiness ► October 1914 first troops of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) left for Britain for further training on 32 ships ► Early 1915 Canadians ready for action in Europe The officers and members of the 26th Battalion of the Second Canadian Expeditionary Force prior to embarking for EuropeCanadian Expeditionary Force
Marching down King St., Berlin (Kitchener) Training in Victoria Park, Berlin (Kitchener)