How do you make the reader interested in reading your persuasive opinion essay?
In this lesson, you will learn how to pull in the reader by writing a strong opening and thesis.
An essay states a claim and provides evidence. Let’s Review Examples of Claims There should be no homework on Friday All children should have a pet Recess should be longer
Writing Process Generate Ideas Generate Ideas Write Drafts Write Drafts Revise & Edit Revise & Edit 1 2 3
Let’s Review A Common Mistake Not making the reader curious before sharing your thesis. What will he say next? I wonder why he said that.
Let’s Review Core Lesson List a few possible openings. 1 2 Choose the opening that makes the reader ask a question. 3 Answer the reader’s question by writing a thesis statement.
Let’s Review Core Lesson List a few possible openings. 1 Dogs Have you ever had a pet you loved? Dogs are very loyal animals. I’ll never have a pet other than a dog. Dogs Have you ever had a pet you loved? Dogs are very loyal animals. I’ll never have a pet other than a dog.
Let’s Review Core Lesson 2 Choose the opening that makes the reader ask a question. Dogs Have you ever had a pet you loved? Dogs are very loyal animals. I’ll never have a pet other than a dog. Dogs Have you ever had a pet you loved? Dogs are very loyal animals. I’ll never have a pet other than a dog.
DDoes this statement make me ask a “why” question? Dogs Have you ever had a pet you loved? I’ll never have a pet other than a dog! Core Lesson Dogs are very loyal animals.
Does this statement make me ask a “why” question? Dogs Have you ever had a pet you loved? I’ll never have a pet other than a dog! Core Lesson Dogs are very loyal animals.
Does this statement make me ask a “why” question? Dogs Have you ever had a pet you loved? I’ll never have a pet other than a dog! Core Lesson Dogs are very loyal animals.
Let’s Review Core Lesson Dogs Have you ever had a pet you loved? Dogs are very loyal animals. I’ll never have a pet other than a dog. Dogs Have you ever had a pet you loved? Dogs are very loyal animals. I’ll never have a pet other than a dog. I wonder why he likes dogs so much?
Let’s Review Core Lesson 3 Answer the reader’s question by writing a thesis statement. I’ll never have a pet other than a dog. Dogs are the most loyal and caring pets.
Let’s Review Core Lesson 3 Answer the reader’s question by writing a thesis statement. I’ll never have a pet other than a dog. Dogs are the most loyal and caring pets. Here is my opening:
Let’s Review Core Lesson List a few possible openings. 1 2 Choose the opening that makes the reader ask a question. 3 Answer the reader’s question by writing a thesis statement.
In this lesson, you have learned how to pull in the reader by writing a strong opening and thesis
Let’s Review Guided Practice List some possible openings for the following thesis: Remember: Your opening should make the reader curious! All kids need a certain bedtime on school nights. All kids need a certain bedtime on school nights.
Let’s Review Extension Activities Choose a topic for a new persuasive essay. Write a strong opening and state your thesis. Switch papers with a partner and continue writing to support the thesis.
Let’s Review Extension Activities Which of these openings make the reader ask a “why” question? “Have you ever had a hamster?” “Everybody should have a fish.” “My dog Sparky was the best pet ever!”
Let’s Review Quick Quiz Below is a student’s thesis statement. Write a hook sentence that will interest your reader and make them as “Why?” Kids should be allowed to vote. Kids should be allowed to vote. The QQ slide always goes last, after extension activities. I re-worded the question just a little bit.