TITLE DATE The Discover Sailing Program Club Implementation Part 1. Snapshot
Welcome This presentation has an accompanying soundtrack you should now be hearing – if not check your audio and make sure you are in slideshow (full screen mode) This presentation is for all club members with Gold Cards – the valued volunteers who lead our sport This is Ross Kilborn, Sport Development Director at Yachting Australia, and this Program and presentation has been put together by the Sport Development Team at Yachting Australia, especially Participation Manager Daisy Brooke
Discover Sailing - Program Definition The Program is an Australia wide initiative that engages Yachting Australia, the State Associations and Clubs in a common objective of increasing participation in safe sailing at member clubs. It is primarily an attraction strategy and includes everything Yachting Australia does that services Australians who are not yet sailing at clubs.
Overview This is the first of a series of 11 Topics that will be released, one each month in 2013, that will go into the detail of the Discover Sailing Program that was launched in There are explanatory materials and resources available to complement each Topic For further information your first contact should be your State Association or the Yachting Australia website under the tabs for Participation Education & Training
The gemba Report ! Research to grow sailing 1.What Yachting Australia should do to grow sailing 2. What Clubs should do 3. Priority Target - juniors
gemba Report – What Yachting Australia should do ? Develop and promote a brand that communicates clearly Sailing is fun, friendly, adventurous and responsible Clubs are accessible and affordable You don’t have to own a boat Promote easy options for entry and pathways
Sailing Holidays Welcoming Clubs
gemba Report – what clubs should do Be welcoming Recognise changing expectations in sport consumption Provide better information to potential participants Consider more flexible membership structures Develop and promote alternatives to boat ownership Offer bite size trials – pay as you play OR
The Monthly Topics Feb(1)Program Introduction & Purpose (2)Planning & Prioritising MarThe gemba Report AprilTackers Sailability MayDiscover Sailing Days Discover Sailing Hosts JuneDiscover Sailing Experiences & Courses JulySafety, Risk Management & Membership Protection AugThe Sailing Pathway SeptCrewing OctClub Promotion NovMeasuring Results DecSummary & Future Plan
Suggested Club Actions At the end of every Topic we’ll suggest the actions Club Committees may want to consider taking. For this one we suggest Taking a look at the public face of the Program – discoversailing.org.au Take a look at the overview of the Program for Clubs on Make sure your Club Committee are all aware of this initiative
Summary Where Discover Sailing Fits The background What it includes Next Sessions March – Planning and Prioritising The gemba Report