Toxin a biologically produced poison Although there are some man-made toxins Made either for defense or for predation Examples Hemotoxins – target and destroy red blood cells Necrotoxins – cause cell death (necrosis) Neurotoxins – affect nervous system of animals Cytotoxins – individual cell reactions
Toxicity Determined by… Dosage The chemical or physical form of the substance How it enters the body The body weight and physiological conditions of the victim, including age and sex
Toxicity cont’d The time period of exposure Chronic exposure – larger amounts over time Acute toxicity – dose large enough to cause immediate problems Whether other chemicals are present in the body or in the dose Synergism – combined effects of substances that exceeds the sum of their individual effects Antagonism – combined effect of substances that decrease their individual effects
LD 50 Amount of a substance that kills half the test population Allows for comparison of toxicity of substance
Regulatory Organizations Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Pharmaceuticals, food additives, medical devices Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Agricultural and industrial chemicals released into the environment Consumer Product Safety Commission Toxins in consumer products Department of Transportation (DOT) Shipment of toxic chemicals Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Exposure to chemicals in the workplace
Toxins – Venoms - Poisons Hemlock Arsenic Lead Anthrax Cholera Botulinum Diphtheria Ricin VX Nerve Gas Agent Orange Strychnine Sarin
Cases of Assassinations and Murder Socrates Napoleon Viktor Yushchenko Albert Magnus Georgi Ivanov Markov Alexander Litvinenko – Polonium-210
Biological Warfare
Historical Bioterrorism Events