Page 2 Harmonisation approach NDB larger scale NDB similar scale EuroRegionalMap Nat. Harm. Core NDB1 NDB2 Determining a reference dataset to producers, which is the in term of harmonisation 1.Data that we have in 2.Harmonise them at the most useful and cost efficient to do so 3. maintenance and derivation
Page 3 Harmonisation approach Map resolution allowed Data content restricted to usually maintained by mapping agencies Basic spatial analysis requirements of transport and water network of administrative boundaries
Page 4 General Technical Characteristics Compliant to INSPIRE Resolution1: RelatedVmap level 1 Data Catalogue StandardDIGEST FACC Conceptual Data ModelClose to DIGEST VPF ImplementationPlatform independent Geodetic reference system (H,V)ETRS89, MSL Coordinate SystemGeographic Decimal Degrees Administrative boundaries Geographical names Hydrography Miscellaneous Transportation Vegetation and Soil Settlement
Page 5 Conceptual Model Level 3 topology Node-to-edge, Face-to-edge Simple primitive Feature Class Set of features sharing a homogeneous set of attributes Point, area, line, text FACC DIGEST except italics* Feature Class NameFeature class TypeFeature CodesAttributes WATERCRSLLineBH502EXS, HOC, HYC, LOC,NAM, NA2, NLN, NLN2, WD7, WD8 *
Page 6 Administrative boundaries Geo-spatial analysis Visualisation Location BNDNET (arc, poly) Mandatory Consistent geometry with water network ( at least for international boundary *) 3, full topology Lowest level (commune) Integration of SABE attributes with relate tables SABE.NAM and SABE.ISN User Purpose Arc/Info Model Requirement Topology Content
Page 7 Water Network Geo-spatial analysis Visualisation Location HYDRONET ( arc, poly,node) HYDROPOINT ( point ) Most Mandatory Full connectivity by portraying fictitious axis in open water and underground network 3, full topology Water Network (BH502) Navigability,Name, Classification (WD7,WD8) Water area, ice Ponctual features User Purpose Arc/Info Model Requirement requirement Topology Content
Page 8 Vegetation and Soil Visualisation, cartographic applications VEGPOLY (poly) Woods mandatory Nothing specific 3, full topology Trees, Orchard, Sand area User Purpose Arc/Info Model Requirement requirement Topology Content
Page 9 Miscellaneous Visualisation, cartographic applications, location (name) MISCPOLY (poly) MISCLINK (arc,point) Most optional Natural parks mandatory Nothing specific 3, full topology Power lines Building, Landmarks, Industrial el., Towers, Physical el. Natural parks User Purpose Arc/Info Model Requirement requirement Topology Content
Page 10 Transport Intelligent transport systems, Location based services, Map display, visualisation TRANSNET (arc, poly) TRANSLINK (arc, node,point) Most Mandatory Full connectivity of road and railway network 3, full topology Road network Railway network Airfields, Harbours Ferry lines, Stations, parkings, level crossings, interchanges User Purpose Arc/Info Model Requirement Topology Content
Page 11 Settlement Visualisation, LBS, Planning POPPOLY (poly) POPPOINT (point) Mandatory Selection consistent with the road network 3, full topology Built up area: Name population population range (PP1 PP2 ) Named location User Purpose Arc/Info Model Requirement Topology Content
Page 12 Production Work Flow Validation Tools Technical Docs NDB1 Harmonisation of National Components local NDB2 local ERM harmonised national component Validation Phase A/I IGNB ERM final Product Assembly Phase Y Final Approval N On-line Delivery System Delivery Formats Installing on ODS A/I BKG ERM Stored Data Oracle BKG 1. Harmonisation of NDBs 2. Using specifications and technical guide, the validation tools are available for national validation 3. The result is the ERM national data component 4. Final validation by the technical management team5. Corrections performed until final approval6. Assembly phase with edge-matching to create the ERM final product 7. Designing the product in varied delivery formats and installing it on the ODS
Page 13 National responsibilities 1.Finding agreement for a common international boundary with neighbours 2.Proceeding the harmonisation of national territory 3.Controlling the consistency for cross-border data with neighbour territories ( data selection ) 4.Proceeding own validation phase