PMSS 2015 Continuing Professional Learning Program
Session 2: Understanding Assessment Rubrics Facilitators Sophia McLean: Professional Learning Manager Louise Rostron: Professional Learning Consultant
Workshop purpose You are here to develop knowledge and understanding of the purposes and detail of assessment rubrics and to experience their application in the PrimaryConnections curriculum resources.
Workshop outline (90 minutes) INTRO:Purpose, outline, outcomes (5 mins) ENGAGE:Beliefs about rubrics (10 mins) EXPLORE:Explore the purposes of rubrics (20 mins )Identify the root purpose of rubrics EXPLAIN:The embedded assessment processes in PrimaryConnections (25 mins) De-constructing a PrimaryConnections rubric Identifying opportunities for gathering evidence of learning outcomes ELABORATE:Student science journals and using rubrics (20 mins) EVALUATE:Reflect on learning (10 mins)
Outcomes On completion of this module participants will understand: the purposes of assessment rubrics the detail of the PrimaryConnections assessment rubrics the range of assessment processes providing evidence of learning in the curriculum resources the Australian Curriculum:Science outcomes of the curriculum units the use of the PrimaryConnections assessment rubrics
ENGAGE Continuing Professional Learning Program
Beliefs continuum Assessment rubrics: Beliefs continuum ______________________________________________________________ AgreeDisagree
EXPLORE Continuing Professional Learning Program
Inter-relationship digraph A tool that helps to identify the root factor of something. What is the root purpose of a rubric? Brainstorm the purposes of rubrics Multi-vote to the top 5 purposes Use the Inter-relationship digraph to identify the root purpose
EXPLAIN Continuing Professional Learning Program
PhaseFocusAssessment focus ENGAGEEngage students and elicit prior knowledge ? EXPLOREProvide hands-on experience of the phenomenon ? EXPLAIN Develop scientific explanations for observations and represent developing conceptual understanding Consider current scientific explanations ? ELABORATEExtend understanding to a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student-planned investigation ? EVALUATEStudents re-represent their understanding and reflect on their learning journey and teachers collect evidence about the achievement of outcomes ? PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model
Features of an assessment rubric
ELABORATE Continuing Professional Learning Program
Discuss rubrics – what is the key concept? If the work sample is from Engage, Explore, Explain: What is the assessment focus? What questions might you ask of students? What feedback might you provide to students? How might you assist students to improve the quality of their work? If the work sample is from Elaborate or Evaluate: What is the assessment focus? What questions might you ask of students? What judgements are you able to make about the standard of students’ Science Inquiry Skills or Science Understandings? What evidence is available for your judgements?
Student science journals and using assessment rubrics
EVALUATE Continuing Professional Learning Program
Thinkers keys The Reverse:List five examples that would represent inappropriate uses of assessment rubrics The Question: Rubric is the answer. Write five questions that would link to this answer. The Brick Wall:Rubrics are essential for assessing whether effective learning has taken place. Break down the wall by suggesting other ways of assessing “effective learning”. The Alphabet:List words from A to Z that link with “rubrics” What if:What if rubrics did not exist for PrimaryConnections units? The Disadvantages: List a number of disadvantages of assessment rubrics. The Interpretation: Describe how assessment rubrics might be used to provide feedback to a student.