Finance After sending the signed contract : 80 % total amount After sending the final reports (content and financial) ànd acceptance by NA : 20 % subsidy.


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Presentation transcript:

Finance After sending the signed contract : 80 % total amount After sending the final reports (content and financial) ànd acceptance by NA : 20 % subsidy is lump sum financing for: * locale project costs * travel costs * allowances

Project Management Every partners has one contact person All contact persons : management team of the project Important for VET projects: * work placement for teachers in industry or institutions * modern ways of communication * attention for languages (English, German) * evaluation of each project part

Mobility Leeuwenborgh : 24 mobilities in 2 years Definition of one mobility: a teacher or pupil visits an approved partner Exampel NL: 4 teachers and 4 pupils visit Aachen: 8 mobilities How to prove the mobilities: tickets ór attendance list

Reports After 1 st year: Progress Report All partners have to send a Progress Report to their National Agency Content: * kick-off meeting * staff meeting Italy * student meeting Greece * activities in school 1 st year * plans 2 nd year

Reports After 2 nd year: Final Report Report concerning content of all activities in 2 years: see website of your National Agency Financial Report

Report (content) Fill in standard form sign and stamp Send to your National Agency by 30 September 2010

COMENIUS – SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS FINAL REPORT For Partnerships approved in 2007 Grant agreement period – or Please send this report to your National Agency, duly completed and signed by 30 September 2008 (for 1-year renewals) or 30 September 2009 (2-year renewals and new Partnerships). This report is considered as your request for payment of the balance of the grant. Please check Annex III of your grant agreement for a detailed explanation of the calculation of the final grant amount. The questions in part A concern the Partnership as a whole and it is recommended that the participating institutions agree together on the content of that section. Part B concerns the individual participating institution. General information: Grant Agreement Reference No.: Partnership title: Partner countries: Your Partnership is New / multilateral (2 years) New / bilateral (2 years) Renewal (1 year) Renewal (2 years) Your institution is: The coordinator A partner Name of your institution: Address: Telephone: Name of contact person: Telephone:

Financial Report To prove the amount of mobilities during the project: tickets train or bus or plane or boarding cards or attendance list !! New Project: Deadline February 2010