March 8 th, 2013
Conceptual Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet Starter: get out SMQ sheet SMQ SMQ Today’s learning targets: 2-4 Today’s learning targets: 2-4 Reading and notes organizer: pgs Reading and notes organizer: pgs Formative assessment: “2 minute reflection #2” Formative assessment: “2 minute reflection #2” Project “mid-unit” report – due Tuesday, March 12 th Project “mid-unit” report – due Tuesday, March 12 th
Astronomy Starter: pick up learning target sheet; complete “pre-lesson” column; get out SW/APOD sheet Starter: pick up learning target sheet; complete “pre-lesson” column; get out SW/APOD sheet SW/APOD SW/APOD Today’s learning targets: 1-5 Today’s learning targets: 1-5 Annotated notes: Venus Annotated notes: Venus
3 rd Period Chemistry I Starter: get out writing utensil Starter: get out writing utensil Quiz Today’s learning targets: 7, 8 and 9 Today’s learning targets: 7, 8 and 9 Go over 9-1 hmwk Go over 9-1 hmwk Research “College/Careers” assignment Research “College/Careers” assignment Test over Chemical Equations unit: Thursday Test over Chemical Equations unit: Thursday
Advanced Physics Starter: turn in hmwk; get out SMQ sheet; give back learning target sheet Starter: turn in hmwk; get out SMQ sheet; give back learning target sheet Today’s learning targets: 7-8 Today’s learning targets: 7-8 SMQ SMQ Go over hmwk Go over hmwk Reading, with notes organizer: pgs Reading, with notes organizer: pgs Formative assessment: “2 minute reflection” Formative assessment: “2 minute reflection”
5 th Period Chemistry I Starter: get out writing utensil Starter: get out writing utensil Quiz Today’s learning targets: 7, 8 and 9 Today’s learning targets: 7, 8 and 9 Go over 9-1 hmwk Go over 9-1 hmwk Research “College/Careers” assignment Research “College/Careers” assignment Test over Chemical Equations unit: Thursday Test over Chemical Equations unit: Thursday
AP Chemistry Daily Starter: turn in hmwk; pick up new learning target sheet; complete “pre- lesson” column; Then complete equations on “weekly” side New material w/annotated notes: Nuclear Chemistry Formative: “2 min reflection” Weekly Chem days: M, W, F Indicators lab analysis due Tuesday, March 12 th Equal volumes of 0.15 M sulfurous acid and 0.15 M lithium hydroxide are mixed. Equal volumes of 0.15 M sulfurous acid and 0.30 M potassium hydroxide are mixed.