Welcome, Welcome Day 1 Please go to lab station 7 to pick up your materials. You need 6 papers 1.Parent letter 2.Communication Information 3.Course Syllabus 4.Course Policies 5.Academic Integrity Honor Code Contract 6.50% Late Homework Policy DUE THIS FRIDAY
Are you settled? Good. SUPPLIES –Composition book MUST HAVE BY THIS BLOCK Wed/Thu! Not having your composition book will affect your participation grade in class as well as lab grades. –College-ruled paper –Calculator –3-ring binder –Black pen & pencil
Syllabus Office hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school Please see me if you need to schedule any other time Homework When homework is given, it will be stamped on the same day or the following day. Stamps are worth 5 points. No stamp? You can still get partial credit for completing the worksheet. Keep your homework in your binder and we will collect everything on the day of the test as a homework packet
No Final Exemption Policy Per CHS Policy, there will be no final exemption policy. BUT… if you have no more than 4 absences (excused or unexcused) or tarties, and a 75% or better in the class, you will be able to drop the lowest test score from Quarter 2.
Absent? Everybody look to your left. There are two bins, one fore core chemistry and one for honors. Do not disrupt me or the class to ask me what you’ve missed. –Go to the logbook, check to see what was supposed to be turned in, what you missed. –Grab worksheets, if any, from the folder inside the bin.
Make-up Work Policy If you forgot to turn something in, you have the opportunity to turn it in late for half credit. You must complete the whole assignment to receive half credit. If the assignment is incomplete, it will be returned with no credit. Deadline for this quarter is September 23, 2015.
Skills for Success in Chemistry BE HERE! Take notes and reflect at home Listen to explanations Complete homework and get it done on time! Prepare for labs ahead of time. Work cooperatively with your group Get help ASAP
Please get out the Communication Info Sheet Look at the very bottom of the paper Write in here if you’re comfortable using google docs, google forms, google classroom, google apps for education Take a few moments to write in this box
Questions? I know it’s odd to not be here this week. I am taking a chemistry workshop. If you have any questions please me at I will see you guys next Monday!