Holiday to france HOLIDAY TO FRANCE Sakar Ismael1
Paris - The world’s most popular tourist destination. French Riviera -The beautiful region of Provence. Marseille - One of the best natural attractions. Biarritz - Is a popular and lively town. Best Places to Visit 2Sakar Ismael
Flight and Destinations - fly from Birmingham Airport to Paris with Skyscanner. Hotels and Relaxing - Rive Guache Hotel - Enjoy 4-star 24-hour concierge, rooms and suites are impeccably designed with floor- to-ceiling windows and plush bedding. Restaurants Food & drink - Go to Le Courtil De La Lucerne test the delicious Bouillabaisse, Cassoulet, Quenelles de brochet, Soufflé au Grand Marnier, Pastis is a popular apéritif. Cities and Countryside – one of the most exciting place in Mont Saint-Michel is the stunning scenery view of the Atlantic Ocean & Normandy countryside. A Guide to France 3Sakar Ismael
Holidays Fabulous beaches, romantic cities, dramatic mountain ranges and is a country of diverse cultures, world-famous cuisine, Breath taking landscapes and amazing attractions. Facts about France 4Sakar Ismael