Delivering skills South Asian Languages
Communicative Premise Possibility of an open response Negotiation of meaning
Lesson Plan—Template Topic Goals Linguistic Communicative tasks Learning strategies Structure Preparation Presentation Evaluation
Examplar: Greetings Pre-activity: Background Video presentation Activity: Making observations Post-activity: Application
Pre-activity Background activation Situating the context
Activity Making observations Kinds of information conveyed Linguistic realizations Role relations Kinship terms Forms of address
Activity contd. Question: Are heritage/non-heritage speakers going to observe all the information there? Pair-work, group discussion If not, then how can we make them observe the various fictive kinship terms, forms of address, and the linguistic expression of greetings?
Post-activity Applying it to our own teaching/learning experience Personal narratives Intercultural comparisons
Skills activity Listening Speaking Reading Writing Grammar
Skills Activity—Reading Stages Pre-reading Identify main elements Identify details Use of text meaning Preview text, establish a purpose, predict meaning Identify main ideas, characters, settings, and events Read intensively and connect main concepts to details
Reading —2 Organize/revise main ideas/details React to text/explore intertextuality Revise main ideas and supporting details Students give opinions and reactions to text and relate other texts to it
Grammar: PACE Focus on form P: presentation of meaningful language A: attention C: co-construct grammatical explanation E: extension activity
Writing—Project oriented Learner-focused, free options Thematic Awareness of socio-cultural, historical, and political awareness Incremental Guided, two steps Grammaticality Coherence/Cohesion
Conclusions Focus on DISCOVERING culture Language is the instrument/tool/medium of that DISCOVERY Learner is ACTIVE Teacher’s role: Keeping learner ACTIVE