Senior Parent / Guardian Meeting Welcome! October 21 st, 2014
Tonight’s Agenda Presentation by LHS Counseling Team Presentation by LHS Counseling Team Herff Jones – Packages and info Herff Jones – Packages and info Activities Director – Senior Dues Activities Director – Senior Dues Yearbook Presentation Yearbook Presentation Opportunity to make payments Opportunity to make payments
LHS Counseling Team COUNSELOREXTENSIONACADEMY ALPHA (last name) Daniel Swearingen3123BCA A – Gomez Karen Hicks3122AMA Gonzalez – Maharaj Sonia Rojas3127 AVID & 9th grade AVID Maldonado – Penaloza Susanne Schulze3121MSA Perez – Z Oscar Pina31259 th Grade House & ASLA (10-12) Tony Orendain 3104College & Career Center Sonia Villacorta 3106Secretary - Appointments
Grades/Transcripts/Credits CREDITS = 5 credits per semester class CREDITS = 5 credits per semester class Semester= 31 credits (with 4SR) Semester= 31 credits (with 4SR) Year = 62 credits (with 4SR) Year = 62 credits (with 4SR) Transcript (Academic History) = permanent/FINAL grades at the end of each semester!! Includes class rank, GPA, credits Transcript (Academic History) = permanent/FINAL grades at the end of each semester!! Includes class rank, GPA, credits G.P.A.= grade point average G.P.A.= grade point average A= 4 GPA points B= 3 GPA points C= 2 GPA points D= 1 GPA point F= 0 GPA points **Every Honors or AP course gets additional GPA point (C or higher).
Grades/Transcripts/Credits (contd.) Number of credits students should have at the end of each year by grade level: Number of credits students should have at the end of each year by grade level: 9 th grade- 60 credits 10 th grade- 120 credits 11 th grade- 180 credits 12 th grade/graduation- at least 220 credits! PASS CAHSEE (CA High School Exit Exam)
Cardinal Counselors Scheduling & Four-Year Planning Scheduling & Four-Year Planning Career Planning Career Planning College Application Workshops College Application Workshops Scholarship & Financial Aid Assistance Scholarship & Financial Aid Assistance Individual & Group Counseling Individual & Group Counseling Peer Mediation & Conflict Resolution Peer Mediation & Conflict Resolution Referrals to Outside Agencies Referrals to Outside Agencies
Herff Jones
Activities Visit frequently for updates to news and calendar section Visit frequently for updates to news and calendar section Senior Dues include Graduation, all on-campus senior activities (including senior breakfast, senior BBQ), and one off campus field trip (TBD) Senior Dues include Graduation, all on-campus senior activities (including senior breakfast, senior BBQ), and one off campus field trip (TBD) Senior Dues do not include Prom, grad night Senior Dues do not include Prom, grad night All packages include dues. If you do not purchase a package, dues must be paid to the student store starting in January. All dues must be paid by March 1 st. All packages include dues. If you do not purchase a package, dues must be paid to the student store starting in January. All dues must be paid by March 1 st. Questions or financial concerns, please or (students) go to A-132 Questions or financial concerns, please or (students) go to A-132
Yearbook Want your senior quote in the yearbook? Submit your senior survey to Ms. Bartosch in A308 before Halloween! If you didn’t get a survey from your English teacher, you can pick one up in A308. Want your senior quote in the yearbook? Submit your senior survey to Ms. Bartosch in A308 before Halloween! If you didn’t get a survey from your English teacher, you can pick one up in A308. Want to keep the cost of the yearbook down? Buy a senior ad! If every student purchases a senior ad, we can keep the price at $55! Want to keep the cost of the yearbook down? Buy a senior ad! If every student purchases a senior ad, we can keep the price at $55! First 50 students to purchase a book get to be on the front cover (that includes underclassmen!) Hurry! Only 36 spots left! First 50 students to purchase a book get to be on the front cover (that includes underclassmen!) Hurry! Only 36 spots left!
What can $55 buy you these days? 16 gallons of gas11 Pumpkin Spice Lates A Lifetime of Memories