Calderglen High School
Calderglen High School Is nitrogen gas reactive or unreactive? unreactive 1 answer
Calderglen High School Name the three essential elements required for healthy plant growth Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) 2 answer
Calderglen High School nitrogen Calculate the percentage mass of nitrogen in NH 4 NO 3 Formula mass = (3x16) = 80 % N = 28/ 80 x 100 = 35% 3 answer
Calderglen High School Describe the appearance of ammonia. Colourless gas, pungent smell. It is also soluble in water and turns damp pH paper/universal indicator blue 4 answer
Calderglen High School Why are fertilisers added to the soil? To replace nutrients/essential elements /nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus 5 answer
Calderglen High School What negative effect can artificial fertilisers have on lochs and rivers? Make them lifeless 6 answer
Calderglen High School Which of the following compounds would be suitable fertilisers? Copper chloride, ammonium nitrate, calcium phosphate (must have N, P or K AND be soluble in water) Ammonium nitrate - contains nitrogen / soluble Copper chloride - does not contain essential elements Calcium phosphate - is insoluble 7 answer
Calderglen High School Name the two types of compounds which can be used to make ammonia in the lab. An ammonium compound and an alkali An ammonium compound and an alkali eg. Ammonium chloride and potassium hydroxide or ammonium carbonate and soda lime 8 answer
Calderglen High School What colour does ammonia turn damp pH paper? Bluepurple Blue/purple (It is an alkaline substance) 9 answer
Calderglen High School Give an advantage of using fertlisers? Larger yield of crop. 10 answer